Draft of MINT00561 (Mint 19/2/561)
Her Maty upon the Votes & Adress of ye House of Commons having by her sig Warrant under her Signe Manual directed the Warden Master & Comptroller of her Mint to receive Plate into ye said Mint & |to| give receipts for ye same after the rate of 5s 5d per oz for plate of the old standard. 5s 8d pr oz for Plate of ye new & 5s 6d pr oz for uncertain plate reduced to standard, & having \also/ directed me to coin the same & pay the moneys produced into ye receipt of the exc\h/{illeg}|equ|er; but the plate received\{E{illeg}}/ receipts dated after the 14th \of May/ not being Receivers of the Exchequer not being yet authorised to take the R{ecei} by Parliament to take the Mint |Receipts or| Bills dated after the 14th of May, & the {illeg} {illeg}late of moneys c{illeg}|oi|ned out of the Plate for wch those Bills were given not being due to the Exchequer untill those Bills can be \there/ received {illeg} wch {coming}: I humbly lay before yor Lordp that the Importers will lose the interest\use/ of their money if it remain in my hands until the next sessions of Parliament if it remain in my hands, & therefore pray your Lordp that I may be authorized by a warrant under her Mats signe Manual to pay |to| the Importers of the said plate their several proportions of moneys coined out of the same or such\any/ part thereof, {illeg} notwithstanding the directi{ons} give{illeg}|n| me by the Warrant above mentioned. {sic} |to pay the same into the Excheqr|
All wch &c