Holograph draft of a royal warrant authorising payment to vendors of 5s. an ounce with the balance to follow
Whereas upon the Votes & Address of oer Commons in Parliament assembled We did \by Wa{illeg}|r|rant under our Signe manual dated may 10/ authorize & command \the{illeg}/ the Warden C|M|aster & Comproller of our Mint in the Tower of London to take & receive from all persons & bodies politicks & or corporate all such wrought Plate as they or any of them shall bring to our said Mint of the kinds & standards mentioned in the said votes & to give such receipts for the same as {illeg}|w|ere desired in the said Address of our Commons & forthwith cause the same to be melted down \&/ e|a|ssayed, & that you the Master & Worker of our Mint said Mint do\should/ immediately coin the same into schillings & six pences & pay the moneys produced into the receipt of oer Excheqr & tale Talleys for your e|i|scharge, but the mon [And whereas the moneys coined of out of \so much of/ the said plate imported as hath been imported \into our said Mint/ since the fourteenth day of June are not yet |&| |due| payable \by you/ into out or|th|e receipt of our Exchequer \but may be paid to the officers\importers/ of the plate/ &|O|ur will & pleasure is & We do hereby authorise & command you the |sd| Master & Worker of our said Mint to pay the mone said moneys to the importers of the said Plate or th \in such pr/ or so much thereof as \upon recconing or agreement/ shall appear to be due to each of them, \& their Receipts thereo/ anything in our said Warrant to the contrary in an{illeg}|yw|ise notwithstanding And for so doing this shall be your Warrant.
And wheras the oer Parliament\in their Act \of Parliamt for t{illeg}|he| contribution of \a summ not exceeding/ two millions/ entituled An Act for licensing & regulating Hakkney Coaches &c/ have\it is/ enacted only \only/ that all & every the Receipts given for the Plate brought into the said Mint before ye 15th day of May {illeg} 1711 shall be accepted & taken as so much money for contributions upon their st said Act [ Now \to the intent/ that our loving subjects may not lose the advantage of the moneys coined out of their Plate\so much of their Plate as hath been/ imported after\after/ the f said fourteenth day of May \aforesd/, Our will & pleasure is & we do hereby authorize & require you the said Master & Wr of oer Mint \untill further order to pay/ to each of the said Importers after the rate of per ounce for all |{illeg}| plate imported \by/ them between after the the plate imported by them after the for wch the after s for wch the\your/ Receits|pt|s dat{illeg} \are/ dated after the said fourthens {sic} day of may ) are not awaited to be accepted & taken {illeg} to be accepted & taken as so much money for contributions upon the said Act. any thing in oer \aforesaid/ Warrant to ye contrary in any wise notw.thstanding. And for so doing this shall be your warrant.] So that \have made/ the Receipts given by the Officers of oer Mint for |of| plate\but no provision \is made//is made\ {sic} for accepting the Receips|t|s/ dated \on or/ after the said\said/ 14|5|th day of May: \bu/ are of no advantage to the importers: [Our will & pleasure is tha & we do hereby authorise & commend you the said Master & Wa|o|rker of oer Mint \for the advantage of our loving subjects/ to pay & unto each of the said Importers for their plate rec for wch the Receipts are received after \upon or after/\out the money couned out of their Plate imported on or after/ the said 14|5|th day of May, after the rate of per ounce \Troy/ untill further order, any thing in oer \said/ former Warrt to ye contrary in any wise notwithstanding. And for so ding {sic} this shall be your Warrant. unto you & all others concerned a sufficient Warrant. Given under.
Our will & pleasure is & we do hereby authorise & command you the said Master & Wr of our Mint to pay unto \each of/ our loving subjects who|se| have Receipts of Plate are dated on or after the said 15th day of May [ out of the mo new /of the new coi\moneys coined out of\arising from their/ their {sic} said plate, ] the summ of five shillings per ounce Troy of the Plate received, untill further order\& three pence per penny weight/ any thing in our for said former Warrant to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding. And for so dining {sic}