
To ye. Rt: Honble: Sidney Ld: Godo{i}|l|p{i}|h|in. Ld: Treasurr: of England

May it please Yor Ldp:

In Obedience to yor: Ldps: Order of Reference of the 16th. of Iune last past, upon ye annext Proposal of Mr: Abel Slaney, for himself, & Partners, for a new Coynage of 700 Tuns of half pence & Farthings We do humbly acquaint yor: Ldp: that We have enquir'd into all the Coynages of that sort, since ye Year {illeg}|1672|. And do find that in ye Reigns of King Charles ye 2d, King Iames ye 2d, & in ye beginning of ye Reign of ye late King & Queen, the coinage of halfpence & farthings was performed by One, or more Commissioners, who had money imprested from ye Excheqr: to buy Copper, & Tin, and coin'd at 20d ꝑ pound Haverdupois And accounted upon Oath to ye Governmt: for ye Produce thereof.

That upon calling in ye Tin Farthings, & halfpence, (by reason of ye Complaints made against them) there was a Patent granted to ye Proposer & others, who contracted to change ye Tin Farthings, & halfpence, and to enable them to bear that charge, they were allow'd to Coin 700 Tuns at 21d ꝑ pound weight, without being accountable to ye Governmt: Which reason now ceasing, We are humbly of opinion, that ye former Method, by Commission is most advantagious to ye Government. |[|And {illeg}e particularly,\especially/ {ye}\if/ ye same Method be used for coining Copeer, that is observ'd for Gold, & Silver; vizt: that Money be imprest from time to time to ye {paper}\a fitt/ Officer of ye Mint, to buy Copper. That ye Coinage be carry'd on under ye Care, & direction of ye Principal Officers \of ye mint/ who shall keep due Entrys thereof in their Books, and that ye whole profit, and advantage of such Coinage be accounted for to her Majesty.]

We do not hear there is any demand of farthings, & halfpence at present, & thô there should be a want in some places, it seems to proceed from an unequal distribution; for we are inform'd they are overstock'd with them in others places; As at the General-Post-Office, about Newcastle, & at Leicester.

We are further of Opinion yt ye Coinage of Halfpence & Farthings in this Kingdom should be to ye intri{ns}ick value, (ye charges of the Coinage \& Incidents/ deducted) but if that be not {thou}ght advisable at prsent for fear of stopping ye Currency of those that are already abroad, We humbly conceive that whenever a new Coinage shall be thought convenient, it should be done in such small Quantities, as her Matie: from time to time shall appoint, to supply ye decrease, & loss of those already coin'd, without danger of new Complaints by overstocking the Nation.

All which is most humbly submitted to yor Lord{ps}

great Wisdom.


I Stanley

Is. Newton

In. Ellis.


Report of ye Officers of the Mint, upon ye proposal of Mr Abel Slaney for Coining Copper halfpence and Farthings.

|Entred in the {illeg} book|

[1] Mint-Office ye 1st of Iuly 1703

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