
To the Rt. Hon:ble The Lords commrs: of her Maj:ties Treasury

May it please your Lords:ps

In obedience to yor Lords:ps Order of Reference of the 29 of November last upon the Annexed memorial of mr: Palmes for a New Coynage of 700 Tuns of half pence & farthings of Copper in 14 years after the manner of the patent Granted in the Reigne of their Late Majties. King William & Queen Mary to Sr. Ioseph Hearne and others Wee doe humbly acquaint yor Lordsps: that wee have Enquired into all ye Coynage of that sort since ye: yeare 1672 & found that in the Reignes of King charles ye: 2d: King Iames ye: 2d: & in the beginning of the Reigne of their late Maj.tie King William & Queen Mary The coinage of half pence & Farthings was performed by commrs: who had money Impressed from ye: Excheqr: to bey {sic} Swedish Copper and Tinn & coined at most at 20d ꝑ pound averdupoize & accounted upon Oath to ye Govermt: for ye: Charge & produce thereof by Tale: And th{{illeg}|a|}t afterwards upon calling in ye: Tinn Farthings & half pence by reason of ye: complaints made agaisnt them The patent above mencond was grainted to Sr: Iosh: Hearne & others who contracted to change ye same & to Enable them to bear yt: charge. They were allowed to coin 700 Tuns at 21d ꝑ pound wt: of English Copper which is cheaper then ye Swedish without being accountable to the Govermt: for the Tale. The reason of wch: allowance now ceasing. Wee are humbly of opinion yt the sd patent be not Drawn into prsident Especially since the money made thereby was light, of bad copper{,|&|}{,}{&} ill coynd And as to yt species of moneys being wasted there may be some ant thereof in Loondon & parts adjacent but yt: those more remotes are unfurnished does not appear to us –

All which is humbly: submitted to yor Lodps Great Wisdom


[1] 13 Decr: 1710

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