Estimates the lowest possible cost of coining farthings as 1s.9 1/2 d. per pound weight. He and another mill owner, Essington, are considering putting in a joint tender
Having some business which will unavoidably keep me in the Country for three weeks, & fearing some progress may be made towards coining of Farthings in that time; I give you the trouble of this to inform you, that since I was in London I have been considering of the lowest rate they can possibly be hammer'd at, which is 21d to ye pound, & which rate I compute as follows viz
For ye Fillets – – | 0. 1. 4 |
& To ye Tower–––––– | 4 |
To a Comptroler – – | |
& for vending & distributing – – – – | |
1. 9 |
This last article will certainly be a very expensive one, for let us manage what we can, we must have a house to lodge them in, as well as a Teller or two to pay them to such as come to demand them. As forye coinage being free I am of opinion you will find abundance of inconveniencies therein, (too long to set forth herein) {whereas}, when whereas on ye contrary I hope you will be of opinion that a contract, so limited & restrain'd as we propose it may, will be subject to none. {a}|A|nd I am sure in respect to the publick it will be ye same thing when ye price is once fix'd I cannot be able to {{illeg}|th|}ink of such a contract {I}|m|yself but have desir'd Mr Essington (who has a mill as well as myself, & who is willing to join wth me,) to wait on you, in case any thing should
offer before my return. I am Sr yr most humble sert
Cha. Parry
[1] Aprill, 8. 1714