
To the Rt Honble the Ld Commrs of his Maties Treasury.

May it please yor Lordp

In answer to the Memorialists Mr Briggs & Mr Nicholson, I humbly represent, that I \as often as they have applied to me I have/ told them that without a Warrant from the King I could not receive \copper/ in blanks nor coin money with round edges for the people; \& that without your Lorps Warrant I could not deliver Cutters to them|.| {illeg} I have told ym also/ that Mr Appleby & Mr Hines having all things ready for a triall were to coin their five T{illeg}|o|ns first; & that when I was ready for the Memorialists I would give them notice, but it would take up som{illeg}|e| time first to prepare the Mint for a triall. There is no difficulty in rounding the edges of the blanks, & I have not delivered another cutter to Mr Appleby & Mr Hines nor are they Contractors but at discretion. \Nor have their|re| been any delays but for want of authority\Warrants/ wch the Memor{e}|a|l{illeg}|ist|s should have procu\red/ instead of applying for {a}|W|arrants have given themselves a great deal of trouble in solliciting me to act without them & have built furnaces/ And if the Memorialists have built furnaces {sic} prepared a sufficient quantity of Copper ready for the cutters & been at sufficient charges in preparing the same, they have done it contrary to my advice \rashly & |& in opposition| to the notice wch I gave them that Mr Appleby & Hines were to have the first/ & without staying for sufficient authority \& {illeg} make {illeg} |& in opposition to| the notice wch I gave them that Hines & Appleby were/ & can blame no body but themselves if they should lose their charges. These things being facts evince the complaints in the Memorial to be fals & {treacherous}\perverse/ & may excuse me from thinking any further of this tryall {illeg} till the Memorialists bring me sufficient Warrants. Mr Nicholson is a Pewterer & understands nothing of this matter but what his partner teaches him. Mr Briggs is a dealer in Barbary copper {illeg}\is a dealer in Barbary copper &/ understands not how to refine copper but may hire others. They \but must hire the refining work out \& is a dealer in Barbary copper/ /{still he can} {illeg}\ |And they|/ they have both told me that they shall lose by this trial, & therefore \by consequence that/ it will not be a fair {illeg} uon an equall foot {illeg}|f|oot between the competitors.

But\But/ if the Memorialists instead of applying for Warrant have given themselves a great deale of trouble in solliciting me to act without them, & in opposition to be the notice wch I gave them that Appleby & Hines being ready should have the first tryall, they have built furnaces & prepared a sufficient quantity of copper ready for the Cutters & been at {illeg}|c|harges in preparing the same; they have done it contrary to my advice & without staying for sufficient authority & can blame no body but themselves if they should lose their charges \for acting in this {illeg} manner/. These things are facts & \may suffice to/ shew that the accusations in the Memorial are fals & malitious.

|{illeg}All| The coinage of the Gold & silver is performed by people under my direction \that I may be |because I am| accountable for {illeg}|th||e| by people who do not oppose me weight & fineness/, & |[|if the copper be coined in the same manner I shall be able to perform it\this coinage/ the better{.}|,| & \And as/ this \is/ suitable to the \Kings/ Warrant by which I act {illeg}|\& w{ch}hich makes me accountable./| so that/And\ that those who deal in copper may not be too much discouraged from serving me I humbly pray that Mr Hines Appleby & Mr Hines may be allowed to \{prepare} &/ import the|a|t Copper \at least/ wch they have begun to work upon.|]| his Mats Warrant for t{illeg}|h|e coining of copper money makes me accountable also for this sort of coinage. And that th{illeg}|is| {illeg}\the value there {illeg}|of|/ To do it of the finest fine copper is a manufactur never before set up in England. & I have met wth great difficulties in setting it up \in the cheapest manner/ for want of time to try experiments before I began. For removing the \main/ difficulties I perswaded Mr Appleby & Mr Hines to rend a water mill \a horse mill being too weak/ & the difficulties are in a great measure removed, & those that remain will be <441v> more easily removed by people under my direction then by such as |do| oppose me\are not {illeg} not regain me{sic}/. To be concerned in this sort of coinage I never desired but it falls to my lot. And things are upon such a foot that I can get nothing but discredit by coyning the money ill. |[|In the reign of K. Cha. II the Blanks were made in Swedeland \where work is cheap/, & a pound weight of Copper was cut into 20d. In the reign of King William the copper was worth about {8}8d pr lwt & the {illeg} a pound weight is {now}\{weigh}{was at {sic}}/ cut into 21d12 wth a remedy of almost a penny. In the reign of {illeg}|K| {illeg}|W|m a pound {illeg} was cut into {illeg}\& the blanks were made by casting wch is Easy & cheap but cannot be done in fine copper./ The Copper is now worth about 13d34 \per lwt/ & a pound wt is cut into 23d whereof 112d is reserved to ye public only 21d12 is allowed for copper {illeg}|&| {illeg} {remedy} workmanship.|]| I am upon trying how the Moneyers can neale & clean the blanks. And if yor Lordps please to give one leave to go on wth Mr Hine Appleby & Mr Hines till they h{illeg}|av|e finished prepared & imported the Copper that they have begun to work upon I h{illeg}|o|pe I shall by that time be able to give yor Lordps a better account \the state/ of this coinage.|]| And therefore I humbly pray that it may remain in my power to dismiss those that do not serve me well.|]| I am {illeg}|no|w trying how \if instead of nealing the & {p}|c|leaning the Copper in the barrs/ the moneyers{illeg} can neale & clean {the} copper in the blanks learn to neale & clean it \as well\as/ well {a way as through} sufficiently/ in the bla{illeg}|nk|s. And if your Lordps please to suffer m{illeg}|e| to go on wth Mr Hines Appleby & Mr Hines |un|till {this} {illeg}|th|is d{illeg}|i|ff{illeg}|ic|ulty is over, I shall then be able to giv |[|& \untill/ they have also coined their complement {illeg}|of| farthings: I will then lay this matter the state of this coinage \again anew/ before your Lordps.] & they have \also/ coyned the copper wch they have \already/ manufactured {illeg} &

And if any faulty peices {sic} escape them we rece

T|I|n the last coinage of copper moneys the copper was worth about 8d per lwt |[|the blanks were made by casting wch is an east & cheap work, the|]| copper is {illeg}|n|ow worth about 13d34 per lwt & the & a p{illeg}|o|und weight was cut into 2112d wth an addition of almost a penny more under the name of a remedy A{t} po The copper is now worth |[|{illeg}|a|bou{illeg}|t| 1{3}12d & yet a pound wt is cut only into|]| between 1312 & 14d \& the coinage is b{illeg}/ & yet a pound weight is cut only into 23d with a {illeg} whereof a    {illeg} p{illeg} three half pence is reserved to ye governmen{illeg}|t|.


And for putting a stop to these

They complain of me fo Instead of applying {illeg} They complain of me {sic} & now complain of me for not acting without warrants.

For setting this matter {illeg}\putting an end to these {illeg}ments this matter/ I {illeg}|humbl|y pr{illeg}|a|y that yor Lordps will \be pleased/ still to suffer {sic}\allow/ me to \try & to/ receive \or reject/ any man's copper |w|he|i||ch| shall bring to me the finest copper & {illeg}|bu|t prepared manufactured & to refuse any mans copper who\|& to| upon examination receive or reject it/ accordingly as I shall find it finer or courser {sic} & better or worse prepared & to g{illeg}|o| on with Appleby & Hines \in the first place/ till they commit another fault least {illeg} I can meet with better workmen \willing to serve me/, & to referr \to such a trial/ those people \{finally}/ to me who \now/ complain |[|{sic}\And/ because the refining wth seacoale is not a new invention {illeg}|to| the \sulphureous/ fumes of the seacoal sometimes dammage the copper, I desire also I may have lea{illeg}|v|e hereafter to apply to your Lordps for a remedy if I find it necessary.|]| |& whose copper I| /intend to coin in due time if I find it for f for the Mint|.| if they will\

I ne{illeg}|v|er desired to

|| In the last coinage of copper was worth \about 7d12 or/ 8d per Lwt & a pound wt was cut into 2112d. The copper is now worth between 1312 & 14d \per Lwt/ & the coinage is difficulter & more chargeable & better performed & yet \the allowance for copper & coinage is the same as before/ a pound wt {illeg}|is| cuts only into 23d whereof {illeg} three half pence are reserved to the government. And a|A|ll {illeg} wch have hitherto {been} {illeg}gt\So that about 5d per Lwt is {sound} of wha{illeg}|t| {illeg} al{illeg}|low|ed before//{deficiency} in the goodness of\ \deficiency in/ the goodness of the copper \hitherto{illeg} complained of/ doth not amount to the 40th part of the \whole/ value of the copper, wch is no more then the {r}|R|emedy \allowed/ in weight, & there{illeg}|f|ore would be within the Remedy \to be allowed/ in fineness if the Assays were exact enough for setling\{stating}/ this\such a/ remedy{;}|.| |[|& for this reason those complaints have been {illeg} understood\{weighing} & fr/ frivolous &|]| {undiscerned}\{illeg}{sic}/{sic} And as for the form of the moneys it is before every bodies eyes & ought not to be judged of by the |faulty /pieces\| {sic} faulty pieces. For the nature of coynage is such that {sic}


The nature of coinage is such that amongst the new moneys newly coined there will be some f|p|ieces fauly {sic} in form. It {illeg}|a|lways was & always will be so in the coinage of gold & silver, & the coinage of fine copper is more difficult. But {illeg}|i|t {illeg}|i|s the duty of the moneyers to pick out those faulty pieces as well as they can \& I have caused half a Tunn of such \{illeg} {coyned}/ moneys to be melted down again. And this has been the standing practise of the Mint {time} out of mind without any disparagement to the coynage of gold & silver./ Because I am accountable for the {coining} of the gold & silver weight & fineness gold & silver moneys in weight & fineness, that coinage is performed by people under my direction. And his Mats Warrant has made me accountable \also/ for the avlue of {illeg}|th|e copper moneys according to the rules prescribed therein. To coin moneys of fine copper is a manufacture never before set up in England, & I have met with great difficulties in setting it up for want of time to try Expts & {illeg} the before I began. For removing the main difficulties I perswaded Mr Appleby & Mr Hines to rent a Copper\water/ mill, {illeg}|a| horse mill being too weak, & the difficulties are in a great measure removed. And those that remain will be more easily removed by people under my direction then by such as do not regard me. I cannot unt|d|ertake absolutely that there shall be {no} faulty barrs in the copper imported there shall be no faulty barrs wch may escape the essays {sic}, but I am safest in people that are afraid of me. To be concerned in this sort of coiange I never desired{,}|:| but it falls to my lot, And things are upon such a foot that I can get nothing but discredit by coyning the money ill. And if those that have served me hitherto be used too hardly, no body else will serve me. I am very willing to lend the Copper rooms in the Mint to any body who{se} {illeg}\may be authorized to/ take care of this coinage & content my self wth the coiange of |ye| gold & s{e}|i|lver; but if it be your Lordps pleasure that I go on with it, I will take the best care I can to have it well performed{sic} & {they} |[|untill the people be satisfied or yor Lordps authorizes me by a Warrant to stop.|]| And that {Mr} the Memorialists may not lose their charges I will coine the copper they have prepared if I find it fit for {illeg} to be coined. But I have notice that the{s}|y|d copper\use/ {illeg} Barbary copper & hire them refined in London & after such notice it will be requisite that they satisfy me in that matter|.| least I {shoul} least I should accused of coining\conniving at/ forreign copper after notice that it is forreign.

I humbly pray your Lordps therefore that I may go on in the method its wch is suitable to this Warrant & in wch I have hitherto acted, wch is by allowing me to try any mans copper & to receive or reject it accordingly as I find it finer or courser {sic}, & \the manufacture/ better or worse prepared: & to go in with Appleby & Hine till I can meet wth better work men, & to referr the leave the Memorialists to such a trial.\imploy imploy those who serve me best/

To coin money of fine copper is a manufacture never before set up in England


{Six gravitas s{illeg} pondys corporis, si uniforms sit, & tempus in æquales nartes dividator singulis temporis particulis æqualiter agendo in corpus, mutationem nedlus tempon parportionale generabits æqualiter matum egus mutabit.}

{S{illeg}\Vt si/ corpore|i|s cadente|i|s, gravitas \equs/ sit uniformes, {illeg}|{hæco}| singulis Kenpons particulis singulas\æqualibus æqualiter agenda/ imprimet caries æquales \in {illeg}coppus allud/ & singulus genel|r|abit velocitates æquales ad {illeg} \et propteret/ vis tota \in coprus eudens/ impressa & velocitas tota genita \simper/ erif ut tempur totum sedendi |[|et contra si corpus dursum prjiciatur, gravitas contrama\deordum tendems/ {illeg}|v|elocitatem ascandendi diminut & diminutio \velocitatis/ erit ut tempus \ascendendi/, et propterea tempus totum ascendid \ad tentum summum/ erit ut velocitas tota quacum corpus sursum projicitur, {illeg}spateum \{illeg}|v|ultitus ver{illeg}/ ascensu toto descriptam {illeg}it ut velocitas\2./ & tempus conjunctim red est in dupli{illeg} retinue velocitatis] oritur ex velocitate ac tempore conjunctim|]| Et temporibus \proportionalibus/ spatia descripta erunt ut velocitates ac tempora conjunctim, id est in duplicata ratione velocitatum tempo{illeg}|r|um.}

Si corpus viribus certoripetis revolvantur quæ sunt reciproce ut cubi distantiarum a centr{illeg}|o|, docuit D. Cotes ordem invenire quem corpus describet, de loco dato data cum velocitate se{illeg}|c|undum datam rectam egressi

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