Warrant to lend Hines a cutter for use on copper bars
After Our hearty Commendacons These are to Authorize and Direct you to deliver out of the Mint unto Henry Hines, who Contracts for the importing a certain quantity of Copper there for the Coyning of farthings & halfe pence, One Instrument or Tool, called a Cutter; You having informed Vs, that the true Sizing of the Barrs of Copper that is to be imported by him, requires the use of the said Instrument or Tool, and that the same may be safely delivered to him for that purpose, he giving to you a note under his hand, for the return thereof at anytime when demanded, or as soon as the Service for which it is delivered to him Shall be performed And for so doing this Shall be Your Warrant. Whitehall Treasury Chambers 11th September 1717.
I. Wallop