
Our Will & please is & We do hereby authorise & command you Sr Isaac Newton Master & Worker of our Mint in the Tower of London to receive into our said Mint barrs of C \from time to time/ fine British copper \in barrs or fillets/ {illeg}|w|ch {illeg}|w|hen heated red hott will spread thin under the hammer without cracking & wh{illeg}|i|ch are\shall/ be of a due thi size or thickness \to be prescribed by you/ & to out of the same to coyne half pence & farthings of such a bigness that forty & size half pence or ninety & two farthings may make a pound weight Averdupois excepting such small errors as may happen through in & by the \unequal/ sizing of the barrs: which errors you shall endeavour that they do not be not in excess or defect above the 40th part of the whole weight & this not by designe but only by accident. And you shall pay the Importer for such copper imported after {illeg}|s|uch rates as the Lords Commrs of our Treasury now being or our High Treasurer or Commers of our Treasury for the time being shall allow \not exceeding eighteen pence by the pound weight/, the one half thereof \in money/ upon receiving the said copper & the other half upon {illeg} in money & scissell together upon returning back the scissel, the said scissel being recconed at the same price by the pound weight with the Copper imported. And if the said Copper dot{illeg}|h|{illeg} not beare the Assay in size\size/ & fineness you shall not receive the same but return it back to be manufactured anew. And you shall coyne such quantities of such moneys & at such times as the said Commrs of his Mats Treary our Treary or Ld High Treasurer shall allow.|| < insertion from f 439v > And one one side of each piece stamp\you shall cause/ our effigies with the inscription G{illeg}|E|ORGIVS REX & on the other side you shall stamp\to be stamped on one side of each piece &/ the Effigies of a Britannia sitting upon a Globe with a speare in her left hand & a Mirtle in her left\right/ & the inscription Brit|RI|TANNIA & under her the date\to stamped on the other si{illeg}|d|e/ as {illeg}|i|n the late copper m{illeg}|o|ney, & under her the Date. < text from f 439r resumes > And when any Quantity of such moneys shall be coyned the same shall be well mixed in a heap, & assayed by counting out 23 pence from several parts of the heap & weighing the sa every parcel so counted out & taking \you shall take/ a medium of th \all/ the weights for the weight of 23 pence, & thereby estimati|e|ng the value of the whole of the whole heap & of every part thereof according to its weight. And you assay the same \in fineness/ \shall cause the same to/ \be also assayed in fineness/ by taking some pieces of the money, heating them r{illeg}|ed| hot & be|a|ttering them to see if they will spread thin under the hammer, & then you shall receive the said new moneys from the moneyers by weight & deliver the same in smaller parcells to or p such of |or| people as \shall/ come for the same at the price se{illeg}|ttl|ed & stated by the assay as above, abating them one penny in every se{illeg}|v|en pounds weight in consideration recompence for any \small/ defect which may sometimes happen in the tale by the unequal sizing of the barrs of Copper. And the Moneyers shall not vend \pay or/ distribute any of the said new coined moneys before the same be duely assayed & delivered to the said Mr & Wr as above.

And we doe further appoint & ordein that all receips|t|s & deliveries of Copper in barrs or scissel with the weight or price & all deliveries of new moneys {to}|fr|om the Moneyers to the Mr & Wr with the assays in weight & the price stated & setled by the assays \shall/ be entered in {illeg}|books| {illeg}|by| a Clerk who shall be appointed by us & be called the kings Clerk, & that our said Clerk shall see all the assays performed & the copper & moneys & scissel weighed, & one or more pieces taken out of every parcel of moneys assayed to be kept in a box under his key & the key of the Mr & Wr to be tryed annually in weight & fineness before whom the Commrs of our Treasury now being or the Ld H. Trearer or Commers of our Treary for the time being shal{illeg}|l| appoint|.| to see the trial performed a|A|nd our said Clerk shall also \yearly/ make a Roll upon oath of all the weight <440r> & price of every parcell of new moneys coined & delivered from time to time by the Moneyers to the Mar & Wr. And th the said Mr & Wr of our Mint shall account annually before the Auditor of the\our/ Mint for all the said copper moneys coyned, & be answerable to {hi} us for all the profits thereof above the charges{,}|.| And our said Auditor in auditing the said Accounts shall have all the same power as in auditing the accounts for the coinage of gold & silver. And our said Clerk shall {illeg}|e|xamin & signe all bills of Charges for repairs of buildings & Offices & for providing things requisite for setting up this coinage. And the said Sr Isaac Newton shall be allowed in his Accounts all summs of money paid by him for repairs of \the/ buildings used in this coina{illeg}|g|e & for repairing or providing coining tools & \all/ other things necessary for setting on foot this coinage, & all sums {illeg}|o|f money paid for copper {illeg}|im|ported, & the summ of three pence farthing for by the pound {p}|w|eight for coining the said copper moneys & for bearing & sustaining all manner of wasts necessaries provisions necessaries & charges c{illeg}|o|ming arising & growing in & about the coining assaying & weighing & delivering the said copper & copper moneys. And the said Sr Isaac Newton shall also be allowed pay unto our Clerk one poun\twenty shillings sterling{sic}/ per by the Tunn for\of/ all the moneys \coined/ for his attendance on this service & be allowed the same in his accounts. And our said Clerk shall examin & tes all bills of charges which the said Sr Isaac Newton shall want as {illeg}|v|ouchers to his Accounts & {illeg}|t|estify his examina {illeg}|th|ere{illeg}|o|f under his hand writing. {sic}

|| And our further will & pleasure is & we do hereby command \& charge all/ the chief Governour Constable Deputy Coverour & all other Officers & Ministers of the Tower \aforesaid/ that all persons bringing such copper in barrs to the Tower\said Mint/, & or coming thither for copper money shall have at all times free ingress & regress \& issue/ into & out of the said Tower Mint, through {illeg}|th|e Gates of ye sai{illeg}|d| Tower & Franchises thereof without the\any/ lett, arrest or molestation for debt or upon any other account or pretence whatsoever. < insertion from f 439v > ‡ And our further will & pleasure is & we do hereby command & charge all the Officers of the Tower afforesaid, that all persons bringing \{illeg}/Copper in barrs to the said Mint or coming thither for money or scissel of copper shall have free ingress egress & issue by the Gates & through the same Tower & Fanchises {sic} thereof inward & outward at all times without any arresting, disturbance letting {illeg}|o|r gainsaying of the chief Governour Constable or Lieutenant \or {illeg}|th|e Porter/ or any other Officer or person whatsoever he be, for any manner of Debt, matter or cause whatsoever it be, & without any thing given to them or to any other to have such entry. < text from f 440r resumes > And we do further command & require the Moneyers Graver, Moneyers, Smith, & all others attending on this service to do their duty with diligence & application & to observe the \tasks &/ directions of \given them by/ our said Master & Worker for coining our said monies well & with dispatch. And for so doing this shall be your Warrant & the Warrant of all others concerned in this coinage.

To or trusty & well beloved

Sr Iassc Newton Knight Ma

Master & Worker of or Mint

© 2025 The Newton Project

Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

Faculty of History, George Street, Oxford, OX1 2RL - newtonproject@history.ox.ac.uk

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