Repeats the complaints voiced in MINT00658 (Mint 19/2/369), adding that his previous 'memoriall' [possibly meaning MINT00658] has been ignored
To ye Rt Hon ye Lds Comissrs of ye Treasury
The Petition of W Wood Gent
Most humbly sheweth
That upon Advertisemt in ye Gazet for sending Proposals to serve Copper for ye Coinage, He deliver'd in his proposals to serve at ye rate of 17d ꝑ L. yet another person was permitted to sent to ye Tower 30 tons at 18d ꝑ L.
That upon fresh application to ye Treasury, a Minute was made ye he shod serve all ye rest of ye Copper that shod be wanting to compleat ye Coinage, after ye 30 tons.
That when ye 30 tons was sent into ye Tower, he put in a Memoriall, humbly praying yr Lordps wod be pleas'd to give orders pursuant to ye Minute.
That Wednesday was fortnight his Memoriall was read, & Minute made yt it shod be consider'd wn Sr Isaac Newton's Report was read wch was yesterday. But Mr Kelsey having yt Memoriall in his hands did not think fit to lay it before yr Lordps.
Your Petr. therefore humbly prays yt yr Lordps will be pleas'd to consider his case, & yt great charge & trouble he has bin at, & that he may have an Order to serve the Copper yt shall be wanting at yt rate propos'd, wch is almost 5li ꝑ ton cheaper than any other & his Copper better
And as in duty bound he shall
ever pray &c