
Artic. 1 That and Agent \or Importer/ appointed to pay all charges of copper & coynage & incidents salaries & incidents, & \to/ receive the price of the copper money & account for the whole.

2|3| That the bargains be made for copper by the Officers of ye Mont & the copper be paid for by the said Agent accoring {sic} to such bargains signified to him under the hands of ye said Officers & not otherwise.

3|2| That the Master of ye Mint be copper be coyned in half pence & farthings be made of pure malleable copper with|out| any mixture of Brass or Tin, by the master of the Mint accor\d/ to such a contract as shall be made by between her Majesty & the said Master

4 That When ye copper is coyned the Master deliver the \new/ copper moneys by weight to ye two Clerks or Tellers \one for ye {illeg} by|Queen &| one for the {illeg}|A|gent/ to tell the same \& examin the tale by weight/ & put |it| up the {illeg} up \the money/ in paper 5s or 10s in a paper & tye up every \one/ two or four papers \in a parcell/ wth packthred & set a known scale upon the knot in order to delivery, & insert the tale into ye receipt wch they give to ye Master & deliver the same to the Order of the Agent, or his Order to be {illeg} dispersed \& certify the Tale to the Master/. |The seale to be kept by ye Queens teller or in a box under both their keys.|

5 That the Mr give receipts to the

5 That the Agent take the Masters Receipts of \the/ Copper & the Copper-mans receipt {illeg}|of|{illeg} the Price & give back the Masters that the Master be discharged for so much copper by taking up his receipts for so much copper as he delivers to the Tellers.

That the Ag upon delivery of copper money to the tellers the Master pay the be paid by the Agent for coynage & give the Agent receipts expressing the weight & tale of the copper.

7 That the Tellers enter in a book ye weight & ta{illeg}|k|e of all the copper money delivered to to them \& certify the tale to ye Master/ &c that the\received by them/ & that the Master enter in a book the weig{illeg}ht \& tale/ of all the copper received & delivered by him. And that the Agent upon making up his accts produce 4 certificates signed by the Master & Tellers of \all/ the copper money \coyned/ wth the acct time of the Acc.t

© 2025 The Newton Project

Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

Faculty of History, George Street, Oxford, OX1 2RL - newtonproject@history.ox.ac.uk

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