Holograph draft of MINT00677 (Mint 19/3/476)
To the Rt Honble the Ld High Treasurer of England.
May it please yor Lordp
In obedience to yor Lordp Order I|W||e|\I/ have considered what may be requisite for lodging her Majties Tin in the Mint & delivering it \out/ at a certain price & paying the money into the Exchequer & {am}\{illeg} |am|/ humbly of opinion that it may be done by a Receiver or Treasurer wth a sufficient Deputy for whom he will answer & wth two\performed by the Warden Water & Comptroller\any/one of the Officers of the Mint under the Inspection of {two} other two, with three/ or more |of their| Clerks of ye Mint\{these} Clerks/ to enter the number {illeg}|&| weight of ye Blocks of Tin received & delivered, & compute the price, \& wth a Storehouse keeper & {sic}/ |[|& wth a \skilfull/ Pewterer w{illeg}|ho| understands the nature &\sorts, qualities,/ goodness \& refining |mixtures| adulterations & {illeg} {Mercts} Merc{ats}|ha|ndize/ of Tin|]| & two\one/ or more Porters as there shall be occasion. And tha{illeg}|t| the Warden Master & Comptroller may make a b|B|oard to order \perform/ the affair, examin Bills of incident charges & see that ye trust be duly executed\The use of |ye| Tower Wharf wth the Cranes of ye Office of Ordinance & liberty of carring {sic} the Tin into \{illeg} the/ & out of the Mint \over the draw bridge/, & an Officer of ye Customes to attend ships are\th{illeg} will/ be also requisite./
|[|I humbly conceive also that ye Officers of ye Ordnance do allow the unlading & lading of her Majties Tin on Tower Wharf wth ye use of their Cranes & that the Constable of ye Tower do suffer the Tin to be carried into & out of the Mint (for wch end there may be a Warrant) & that ye Commrs of the Customes give such order about it as is proper for their Board.|]|
Some Rooms are also to be made fit & some things \are also/ to be provided as Scales, Weights, Sledges|,| & Pulleys & stamps for numbering the Blocks. And it may be convenient that their weight be stamped upon {illeg}|t|hem either in Cornwall or at their Receipt in the Tower
And since the Blocks are to be delivered out at a certain |p|rat|ic|e, I am humbly of opinion that they should be delivered as they come to hand without giving leave to the Merchant to pick & chuse & without trusting for te money (u{illeg}|n|less upon yor {illeg}|L|ordps particular Orders \particular Warrants/ (setting aside only such blocks as may happen to be unlawfull) & that ye money received for them be paid into ye Excheqr as of{illeg}|t|en as it arises to a certain summ \to be named by yor Lp/ & |be| the Receiver to accompt annually accounted for annually.
|and with| The use of ye Tower Wharf\liberty of using/ with\&/ the Cranes of ye Office of Ordnance & liberty of carrying the Tin into & out of the Mint over the draw bridge, & an Officer to the Customes \to/ attending the ships will be also requisite & \of using/ the Master & Workers Offices {illeg}|&| Rooms so far as they are wanted & can be spared from ye Coynage are {illeg}
and wth liberty of using\the use of/ the Cranes of the Office of Ord{n}ance & \of/ the Master & Wa Mas W{illeg}|o|rkers Offices & Rooms so far as {they} are wanted & can be spared from ye coynage, & the lib wth liberty of carrying the Tin between Tower th Tower Wharf & the Mint over the draw-{bri}dge & an Officer of ye Customes is to attend|ing| the ships|.| at that Wharf.