Holograph draft memorandum on organisation, staff and apparatus required for the Mint to handle tin
|1| The Tower Wharf to be made a free Wharf for i{illeg}|m|porting & exporting her Majts Tinn, with {illeg} liberty of bringing it into & carrying it out of the Mint |[|without the Let or Molestatio of the Constable or Chief Governour or other Officer or Minister of|]| & my Ld Abingto{illeg}|n| to have notice thereof.
|2| The Commrs of ye Customes to be directed to send an Officer to attend ye unlading & lading of ye Tin
|3| A Crane Sledges Hooks, Pulle Lavers, Pulleys, Scales & Weights to be provided & Rooms to be made fit.
|4| The Blocks of Tin t{illeg}|o| be \numbered &/ weighed at their importation & the \number &/ {illeg}|w|eight to be stamped upon them to save ye labour of reweighing them at ye delivery & the Number, Assay, & gross weight \& standard wt/ to be entered in books by the Clerks of ye Mint.
|5| A fair copy of the Clerks Books to be made & the Master
|5| The Number, Assay & gross weight to be
|5| A fair Copy to be made of the Number Assay & Gross weight of the Blocks & the Master\Receiver or Treasurer/ at ye foot of every leaf to signe a receipt of the Blocks above written.
|6| The Clerks to compute the standard weight of the B{illeg}|lo|cks & to enter the same in their Books|.| {to}
|7| The standard weight of all the Blocks in every Receipt \with their Price/ to be entered at ye bottom of every\the/ Receipt & or on ye backside & signed y ye {illeg}|W|arden \Master/ {illeg}|&| Comptroller
|8| The Warehouse-keeper to deliver the Blocks {illeg}|to| ye Merchant as the|y| come to hand without giving leave to ye Merchant to pick {illeg}|&| chuse.
|9| The Clerks to enter the in Books the Number Assay gross weight & standard weight \& price/ of the Blocks delivered & the price to be paid before the Blocks go out of the Warehouse.
|10| The Treasurer to {illeg} pay weekly into ye Exchequer the money received for the Tin|, & the payments to be entere endorsed on 11|th|e The Warden Master {illeg}|R|eceip{s}|t||s| above mentioned|
|11.| The Officers of ye M{illeg}|in|t to beare their\such/ parts in the managemt of ye this affair as are most conformable to their places in the Mint vizt Th{e} {illeg} and particularly the Warden Master & Comptroller to make a Board wth such powers & authorities as they have in the business of the Mint for making {o}|O|rders & Reports & punishing Offenders, the Master to Receiver & Vndertreasurer \|wth a Deputy for whom he will answer| the Rooms where the busines is done belonging to the Officers/, the Warden & Comptroller to be checks upon him & to have keys of the Treasury, the Assaymaster to make Assays of the Tin if there be occasion, the Weigher & Teller to weigh it, the {keepe} Clerks of the Mint to enter the\entier & it in Books &/ standard it {&} & the Moneyers Corporation of Moneyers to have ({illeg}|o|r one or some of them \for whom the Corporation will be answerable to ye Mr {illeg} to stamp it & to {sic}/ to {illeg}|ha|ve ye custody of the Press Rooms & other places where the Tin is lodged.