Draft of MINT00720 (Mint 19/3/498-9)
An Account of the charges of exporting Tyn to be sold a{b} in Holland.
Charges paid in England per Cwt English
Customes | 0. | {4}|3|. | 0 |
Cocquets, boat hire, searchers fees, wharfage &c | 0. | 0. | 6. |
Hazzards at sea or ensurance | 0. | 3|0|. | {illeg}|9| |
0. | 4. | 3 |
Carges {sic} pai{s}|d| in Holland pr Cwt Dutch
It it therefore equal to the Merchant whether he gives 3li. 16s. 0d per C weight for Tynn at the Tower {illeg}|or| 4. 3s 11d
An Acot of the charges of sending Tyn to Amsterdam.
Charges pd in England
First cost 3li. 16s. Customes 3s. Cocquets boat hire, se\a/rchers feees {sic}, wharfage &c 6d. Hazzards at sea or Ensurance 9d. Total 4li, 0s 3d per C Engl{illeg}|i|sh thhat is 3li. 19s. 3d per C\100/ Dutch. |Wch being reduced into Dutch money| /the rate of 10 G. 12 st to 20s stvyers|sterlin||g| amounts to 42 G per 100 Dutch weight\
Charges pd in Holland
Freight (as in Mr Drummonds acct) 10 styvers pr block Averidge 3 styvers pr Gilder or 1 styvers per block, boat hire & loyterage {illeg}|f|or unlading 2 st pr block, porterage & ho\u/sing 2st pr block. In all 15 styvers pr block, & {illeg} or about 5 st per C. Item Customes pr C 12st, Additional Duty 4st, Valuation & Premiu 2 per cent or about \15|4|/ 16 or 17st \per C/ the valuation being usually a little under\to the first {sic}/ the first cost|.|o|r \a little under./|
Total 38st per C {illeg} 100 Dutch wt, wch reduced into English money at 10G 12st to 20s sterli{illeg}|n|g comes to 3s. 7d, |per 100 Dutch or 3s 7 per C Englis| /CCocquets & Custome house fees about 25 or 30 styvers to a parcel\
|A.| Which added to 3. 19. 3 makes the whole charge 4li. 2s. 10d per 100 wt Dutch or 4. 3. 10 per C English.
It is therefore equal to the Merchant whether he give \in ready money/ 3li. 16s pr C \english wt/ at ye Tower or 4li 2s 10d per 100 \Dutch/ wt at Amsterdam, her Majty\paying {sic}/ in ready money at both places.\excepting some considerations hereafter mentioned./ And therefore if her Maty should set up an Office to sell at Amsterdam for ready money at a par{illeg} wth the sales in the Tower the price at Amsterdam pr C weight Dutch should be about\not exceed/ 4. 2. 10 turned into Dutch money, Her Maty bearing the charges of the Office & Warehouse room, |[|{illeg}& of the carriage to the city weigh-house & weighing for sale & the city Duty of pr cent upon selling for ready money to them that sell again upon t{illeg} prompt payment] & such further & the excess of the charge of buying in Amsterdam above that of buying in London.] & |&| {sic} the \extraor extraordinary/ Dutys of the city weigh hou{illeg}|se|. But yet something may be abated of this price upon these considerations.
|1| The Pewterers who factor for f{illeg}|o|rreign merchants & in small parcells, can {illeg} frequently m|g|et such parcells to be take{illeg}|e|n {sic} into ships {but} for ballast, wch is \wch/ want ballast, & so save the freight.
|2| Th{illeg}|o|u{illeg}|g|h 1 pr cent be very low insurance yet four Me{illeg}|r|chats {sic} chuse rather to ris it, & will have more reason to do so in times of peace.
|3| The merchants for whom the Pewterers factor being generally forreigners, the{illeg}|ose| \that are of Amsterdam/ can more easily procure favour \for themselves/ in the valuation & premium then Englishmen can do for her Maty.
|4| Th{illeg}|e| Pewterers sort the Tin & sell selll the grain Tin at higher price to those that want it, & thereby can afford to sell the rest at a lower price then they would otherwise do.
And for these reasons something
|4| The Pewterers trust {illeg}|s|ell to forreigners upon trust
An Account of the charges of selling Tin in Amsterdam at 45 {illeg} Gilders pr 100 wt Dutch.
Which reduced to English money at 10 G st to ye pound sterling is 7|6|s. 1{illeg}|4|d per C 100 wt Dutch or 5|6|s {illeg}|5|{illeg} per C english.
And these added to the former summs 4. 2. 10 & 4. 3. 10 makes the whole charge 4li. {illeg}|9|s. {illeg}|2|d per {illeg} 100 wt Dutch, or 4. 1{illeg}|0|. 3 per C English.
<501r>An Acct of ye charges of sending Tynn to Amsterdam
Charges paid at London per C.
First cost {illeg} 1{illeg} per C weight | 3. | 16. | 0 |
Customes | 0. | 3. | 0 |
Cocquets, boat hire, serchers fees|wharfage &c| | 0. | 0. | 6 |
Ensurance | 0. | 0. | 9 |
Total |
4. | 0. | 3 |
Which after the rate of 110 pounds Averdupois to the Dutch 100 weight {illeg}|&| 10 Gild. 12 stiv. to 20s sterling, comes to 42 Gilders per 100 Dutch weight
Charges paid at Amster in Holland.
Charges of selling Tyn in Amsterdam at 45 Gilders pr 100.
Therefore the Tyn to reimburse all the charges & hazzards should be sold in Holland for 46 Gilders 7 stivers per {illeg} 100 Dutch weight
The Pewterers in London fator {sic} \upon trust/ for their correspondents in Holland & some other places, in small parcells of 10 20 or 30 \or 40/ blocks in a parcel & find it no \very/ difficult matter to meet wth ships wch want \s{illeg} {illeg} convenient/ ballast & the people for whom they factor \comm{illeg}|o|n{illeg}|ly|/ act \{by} {broker}/ for themselves in their ownsho houses shops & warehouses without the charges of commission \|& brokerage| & warehouse {illeg}/ {illeg}|&| making three or four returns in a year content themselves wth a small profit of one or two per cent in each return, & the Pewterer chuse rather to risque it then be at the charges of ensuring. And the Pewterers sorting the Tin mark sell the several at several rates & thereby make so much\some/ advantage of the grain Tin that \whereby/ they can afford to trust & forbear their correspondents abroad. And English Merchants seldom send Tynn into Holland not finding their {illeg}|A|ccount in selling it there by commission. |[|For these reason{illeg}|s| I reccon 46 G 7 st too high a price. Mr Drummond made his first proposal to my late Lord Trer he represented that Tin had then sold from 45 to 47 & his Lordp set ye price at 44 perhaps it may sell at 45, or 45, but the but the higher {wil} the price the slower will be the sale.|]|
|2.| By the above written Acct it is \it woul be almost/ equal to the buyer what {illeg} {illeg} \a Merchant of Amsterdam to/ gives 3li 16s pr C \Averdupois/ at ye Tower or 43G 18st pr 100 Dutch wt at Amsterdam paying in ready money, & her Maty bearing ye \extraordinary/ charges of the |her| Office & Warehouse room at Amsterdam \& of the city weighhouse & {sic} {illeg}/. I say almost equal, because the Mercht would {chuse} desire to save the freight, & might chuse to risque it, especially in times of peace |[|And therefore if the Tin could be sold at Amsterdam for ready money the price should be {somethg}\something/ under 43G 18st.
|3.| Considerable quantities of Tin are sent \hence/ to Roterdam & Bruges & unless something be allowed for their charges of getting it \thither/ from Amsterd{illeg}|a|m they will still send \have it/ {illeg}|fro| L{illeg}|o|ndon.
|4|5.|| If When Mr Drummond \first/ proposed the sending sell to sell Tin by Commn at Amster for her Maty he represented that ye price had then been from 45 to 47 Gilders: & t|T|he late Ld Trr put the price at 44, {illeg}|&| Mr Drummond by that price had ye whole trade of Holland. Which \‡ {sic} This being compared wth the Accts & considerations above written/ it seems to me that at 44 G Mrs Moulaneers & sons will have ye whole market of Holland \of Holland/ at 5|4|5 G he will may have almost the whole market, at 46 he will lost half the market, at 47 he will sell very little. But in a paper of some
‡ In a paper of that\some/ late sales of Sr H. Furnase they were from 44 to 45 wch is lower then in the memorial of Mr Drummond.
5|4|. In the Tower the buyer take the Tyn as \it/ comes to hand without culling. In Holland the b{illeg}|u|yer is allowed to cull. And this makes the Tin of {illeg} {illeg} more value & readier sale before sulling then afterward|.| |[|so that upon the first cullings may sell better for 4{illeg}|6| or 47 st then the remainder for 45 or 4.|]|
By the above written Acct the Merchant can have Tynn housed at Amsterdam for 43 G. 18st \in ready money/ besides 14 st charges of returning the money. {Add} And this puts the price at 44 G 5|3| st in ready money. Add for prompt paymt, ,lb/>ensurance of ye paym{illeg}|e|nts, & two months interest, 1 G 4st & the price {illeg}|at| Amsterdam will be 45 G {st}|7| st. But her Ma free of all charges But the Merchant would insist upon a deduction of about 4 st for freight & averidge amounting to about 4 st & chuse rather to rise it buy at London & ris it then \pay freight & averige & to ris it then/ allow 1 per cent insurance at sea \especially/ in times of peace. For wch reasons the 7 st may be abated.