
An Account of the charges of exporting Tyn to be sold a{b} in Holland.

Charges paid in England per Cwt English

Customes 0.{4}|3|.0
Cocquets, boat hire, searchers fees, wharfage &c 0.0.6.
Hazzards at sea or ensurance 0.3|0|.{illeg}|9|

Carges {sic} pai{s}|d| in Holland pr Cwt Dutch

Freight (as in Mr Drummonds Acct) 10s styvers pr block Averidge 3 styvers pr Gilder or 112 st pr block, Boat hire & loyterage for unladind|g| 2 st pr block, porterage & housing 2 st pr block. In all 1512 st pr block, {illeg}|or| (if about 7 blocks be recconed to a Tunn,|)| about 5st 716 per C } Gstp
Customes |pr C| 0.12.0
13 Additional Duty 0.4.0
Valuation & premium 2 pr cent (the valuation scarce e{illeg}|qualli|ng the fist cost) |about| } 0.17.0

Total per Cwt Dutch

Which reduced to the English Cwt comes to Difference of weight comes to 716 styver. Which reduced to English we

That is per Cwt {illeg}|E|nglish

Which reduced to English weight & english money recconing 11034 the Dutch C to ye {illeg}|Engli|ssh C as 11034 to 112{34} & that 10G 12st make equals 20s sterling
comes to 3s. 8d pr C English, & this summ added to 4s 3d paid in England makes the whole charge 7s. 11s|d| per C wt English.

It it therefore equal to the Merchant whether he gives 3li. 16s. 0d per C weight for Tynn at the Tower {illeg}|or| 4. 3s 11d

An Acot of the charges of sending Tyn to Amsterdam.

Charges pd in England

First cost 3li. 16s. Customes 3s. Cocquets boat hire, se\a/rchers feees {sic}, wharfage &c 6d. Hazzards at sea or Ensurance 9d. Total 4li, 0s 3d per C Engl{illeg}|i|sh thhat is 3li. 19s. 3d per C\100/ Dutch. |Wch being reduced into Dutch money| /the rate of 10 G. 12 st to 20s stvyers|sterlin||g| amounts to 42 G per 100 Dutch weight\

Charges pd in Holland

Freight (as in Mr Drummonds acct) 10 styvers pr block Averidge 3 styvers pr Gilder or 112 styvers per block, boat hire & loyterage {illeg}|f|or unlading 2 st pr block, porterage & ho\u/sing 2st pr block. In all 1512 styvers pr block, & {illeg} or about 525 st per C. Item Customes pr C 12st, 13 Additional Duty 4st, Valuation & Premiu 2 per cent or about \15|4|/ 16 or 17st \per C/ the valuation being usually a little under\to the first {sic}/ the first cost|.|o|r \a little under./|

Total 3812st per C {illeg} 100 Dutch wt, wch reduced into English money at 10G 12st to 20s sterli{illeg}|n|g comes to 3s. 7d, |per 100 Dutch or 3s 712 per C Englis| /CCocquets & Custome house fees about 25 or 30 styvers to a parcel\

|A.| Which added to 3. 19. 3 makes the whole charge 4li. 2s. 10d per 100 wt Dutch or 4. 3. 1012 per C English.

It is therefore equal to the Merchant whether he give \in ready money/ 3li. 16s pr C \english wt/ at ye Tower or 4li 2s 10d per 100 \Dutch/ wt at Amsterdam, her Majty\paying {sic}/ in ready money at both places.\excepting some considerations hereafter mentioned./ And therefore if her Maty should set up an Office to sell at Amsterdam for ready money at a par{illeg} wth the sales in the Tower the price at Amsterdam pr C weight Dutch <500v> should be about\not exceed/ 4. 2. 10 turned into Dutch money, Her Maty bearing the charges of the Office & Warehouse room, |[|{illeg}& of the carriage to the city weigh-house & weighing for sale & the city Duty of 12 pr cent upon selling for ready money to them that sell again upon t{illeg} prompt payment] & such further & the excess of the charge of buying in Amsterdam above that of buying in London.] & |&| {sic} the \extraor extraordinary/ Dutys of the city weigh hou{illeg}|se|. But yet something may be abated of this price upon these considerations.

|1| The Pewterers who factor for f{illeg}|o|rreign merchants & in small parcells, can {illeg} frequently m|g|et such parcells to be take{illeg}|e|{sic} into ships {but} for ballast, wch is \wch/ want ballast, & so save the freight.

|2| Th{illeg}|o|u{illeg}|g|h 1 pr cent be very low insurance yet four Me{illeg}|r|chats {sic} chuse rather to ris it, & will have more reason to do so in times of peace.

|3| The merchants for whom the Pewterers factor being generally forreigners, the{illeg}|ose| \that are of Amsterdam/ can more easily procure favour \for themselves/ in the valuation & premium then Englishmen can do for her Maty.

|4| Th{illeg}|e| Pewterers sort the Tin & sell selll the grain Tin at higher price to those that want it, & thereby can afford to sell the rest at a lower price then they would otherwise do.

And for these reasons something

|4| The Pewterers trust {illeg}|s|ell to forreigners upon trust

An Account of the charges of selling Tin in Amsterdam at 45 {illeg} Gilders pr 100 wt Dutch.

Commission 1 per cent 9
Brokerage 3st pr 100 wt 0.3
Carriagge too the city weigh-house & weighing for sale 0.112
City Duties 12 per cent 0.412
Prompt payment 1 per cent 0.9
Interest of two months forbearance &} 0.9
Insuring payments 1 per cent
Warehouse room 0.212
6 Promp paymt 1{illeg} forbearance & insurance of paymts 3 pr cent {4.}7
7|6| Interest of two months forbearance, \Allowance for/ promp payment, {illeg}|&| insurance of ye paymts } {illeg}|1|.5
Returns of the money |0||5|

Which reduced to English money at 10 G st to ye pound sterling is 7|6|s. 1{illeg}|4|d 34 per C 100 wt Dutch or 5|6|s {illeg}|5|{illeg} per C english.

And these added to the former summs 4. 2. 10 & 4. 3. 1012 makes the whole charge 4li. {illeg}|9|s. {illeg}|2|d34 per {illeg} 100 wt Dutch, or 4. 1{illeg}|0|. 312 per C English.


An Acct of ye charges of sending Tynn to Amsterdam

Charges paid at London per C.

First cost {illeg} 1{illeg} per C weight 3.16.0
Customes 0.3.0
Cocquets, boat hire, serchers fees|wharfage &c| 0.0.6
Ensurance 0.0.9



Which after the rate of 110314 pounds Averdupois to the Dutch 100 weight {illeg}|&| 10 Gild. 12 stiv. to 20s sterling, comes to 42 Gilders per 100 Dutch weight

Charges paid at Amster in Holland.

Freight (as in Mr Drummonds Acct) 10 styvers per block. Averidge 3 st per Gilder or 112 styver pr block. Boat hire & lighterage for unlading 2 st pr block. Porterage & housing 2 st per block In all 1512 styvers {illeg} per block, & wch is about 513 styvers pr 100 } Gild.stiv.
Customes per 100 wt 12 stivers 0.1{illeg}|2|
13 Additional Duty 0.4
Valuation & Premium 2 pr cent, or about 14, 16 or 17 styvers pr 100, the valuation being usually to the first cost or under } 0.1613
Coquets & C{illeg}|u|stomehouse fees about 25 or 30 stivers to a parcel 0.013



Charges paid in England

Total charge\Total charge of exportation/ 42.18

Charges of selling Tyn in Amsterdam at 45 Gilders pr 100.

Commission 1 pr cent 0.9
Warehouse room at 30 st 0.2
Brokerage 0.3
Carriage to ye city weigh house & weighing for sale 0.112
City Duties 12 per cent 0.412
Interest of two months forbearance, Allowance for paymt at ye end of that time & ensurance of the paymts } 1.4
Returns of the money 0.5



Charge of exporting


Total charge


Therefore the Tyn to reimburse all the charges & hazzards should be sold in Holland for 46 Gilders 7 stivers per {illeg} 100 Dutch weight


The Pewterers in London fator {sic} \upon trust/ for their correspondents in Holland & some other places, in small parcells of 10 20 or 30 \or 40/ blocks in a parcel & find it no \very/ difficult matter to meet wth ships wch want \s{illeg} {illeg} convenient/ ballast & the people for whom they factor \comm{illeg}|o|n{illeg}|ly|/ act \{by} {broker}/ for themselves in their ownsho houses shops & warehouses without the charges of commission \|& brokerage| & warehouse {illeg}/ {illeg}|&| making three or four returns in a year content themselves wth a small profit of one or two per cent in each return, & the Pewterer chuse rather to risque it then be at the charges of ensuring. And the Pewterers sorting the Tin mark sell the several <501v> at several rates & thereby make so much\some/ advantage of the grain Tin that \whereby/ they can afford to trust & forbear their correspondents abroad. And English Merchants seldom send Tynn into Holland not finding their {illeg}|A|ccount in selling it there by commission. |[|For these reason{illeg}|s| I reccon 46 G 7 st too high a price. Mr Drummond made his first proposal to my late Lord Trer he represented that Tin had then sold from 45 to 47 & his Lordp set ye price at 4412 perhaps it may sell at 45, or 4512, but the but the higher {wil} the price the slower will be the sale.|]|

|2.| By the above written Acct it is \it woul be almost/ equal to the buyer what {illeg} {illeg} \a Merchant of Amsterdam to/ gives 3li 16s pr C \Averdupois/ at ye Tower or 43G 18st pr 100 Dutch wt at Amsterdam paying in ready money, & her Maty bearing ye \extraordinary/ charges of the |her| Office & Warehouse room at Amsterdam \& of the city weighhouse {sic} {illeg}/. I say almost equal, because the Mercht would {chuse} desire to save the freight, & might chuse to risque it, especially in times of peace |[|And therefore if the Tin could be sold at Amsterdam for ready money the price should be {somethg}\something/ under 43G 18st.

|3.| Considerable quantities of Tin are sent \hence/ to Roterdam & Bruges & unless something be allowed for their charges of getting it \thither/ from Amsterd{illeg}|a|m they will still send \have it/ {illeg}|fro| L{illeg}|o|ndon.

|4|5.|| If When Mr Drummond \first/ proposed the sending sell to sell Tin by Commn at Amster for her Maty he represented that ye price had then been from 45 to 47 Gilders: & t|T|he late Ld Trr put the price at 4412, {illeg}|&| Mr Drummond by that price had ye whole trade of Holland. Which \‡ {sic} This being compared wth the Accts & considerations above written/ it seems to me that at 4412 G Mrs Moulaneers & sons will have ye whole market of Holland \of Holland/ at 5|4|5 G he will may have almost the whole market, at 46 he will lost half the market, at 47 he will sell very little. But in a paper of some
    ‡ In a paper of that\some/
late sales of Sr H. Furnase they were from 4414 to 4512 wch is lower then in the memorial of Mr Drummond.

5|4|. In the Tower the buyer take the Tyn as \it/ comes to hand without culling. In Holland the b{illeg}|u|yer is allowed to cull. And this makes the Tin of {illeg} {illeg} more value & readier sale before sulling then afterward|.| |[|so that upon the first cullings may sell better for 4{illeg}|6| or 47 st then the remainder for 45 or 412.|]|

By the above written Acct the Merchant can have Tynn housed at Amsterdam for 43 G. 18st \in ready money/ besides 14 st charges of returning the money. {Add} And this puts the price at 44 G 5|3| st in ready money. Add for prompt paymt, ,lb/>ensurance of ye paym{illeg}|e|nts, & two months interest, 1 G 4st & the price {illeg}|at| Amsterdam will be 45 G {st}|7| st. But her Ma free of all charges But the Merchant would insist upon a deduction of about 4 st for freight & averidge amounting to about 4 st & chuse rather to rise it buy at London & ris it then \pay freight & averige & to ris it then/ allow 1 per cent insurance at sea \especially/ in times of peace. For wch reasons the 7 st may be abated.

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Professor Rob Iliffe
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