Royal warrant prescribing design of milled coin
Charles R
Our Will & pleasure is & Wee doe hereby reqr. & Authorize You as soon as the sd. Buildings, Tooles, & Engines shall bee sett up & fitted for Or. service to Cause to be made by Way of the Mill & Presse the severall & respective Silver Coynes hereafter menconed (that is to say) one peeice of Five shililngs one peeice of two shillings & sixpence & one shilling wth. our Portraiture & these Words Carolus 2dus. Dei Gra: on ye one side And the Armes of our Kingdom in Four severall Escutcheons Crowned wth. their Points turned inwards, A Double Letter Cor Cypher of our Name this X between ye sd. Escutcheons & the starr & ordr. of our Garter in ye Middle undr. ye. Points of them & these Words Mag: Brit: Fra: et Hib: Rex And ye Year of our Lord on ye other side of each of ye sd. severall peeices, one peeice of six pence, one peeice of Four Pence, &|\one/| Three Pence, one Two pence and one Penny in silver wth. our Portraiture & ye same Inscripcons as upon ye Greater Coynes on ye one side & the sd. Double Lettr. or Cypher of our Name, wth. ye severall Badges of our Kingdomes and Inscripcons on ye other wise of each of ye respective peeices of our smaller Monyes according to ye Draughts lately made for our new silver Monyes by Iohn Roettiers one of our Chiefe Gravers pr.sented unto us by You & approved on by Vs, Our further Will & pleasure is, And Wee doe hereby Command |&| Authorise {illeg}|You to Ca|use to be put upon ye Edges or thicknesse of our peeices of Five shillings, And of two shillings and six pence in silver these Words following (that is to say) Decus et Tutamen and upon ye Ring or Edges of our shillings & six pences in Silver wch. are too thinn to recieve {sic} Letters you are to Cause as in all straight or Crosse Grayning only to be put as you shall Iudge it most secure for our said Coynes,
By his Maties. Comand
Whitehall 5th. Febry
1662 by his
Hen: Bennett