Draft of royal warrant to coin Vigo booty, with the inscription 'VIGO' on all coins
Anne R
Whereas wee are Informed that a considerable quantity of Gold and Silver has been taken by Our Royall fleet at the Late Expedition at Vigo, Our Will and pleasure is, and Wee do hereby require and Authorise you to cause to be coyned all such Gold and Silver as shall be brought into Our Mint, and delivered unto you in the Name and {St}{illeg} of with this inscription, Vigo, In small letters under Our Effigies, which we Intent as a marke of distinction from the rest of our gol Gold and Silver Moneys, and as a and as a\and to continue to posterity the/ remembrance of that glorious Action and In{n}{illeg}{sent}Action, And for so doing this shall be your Warrt. Given at our Court. &c
To our Trusty & well Beloved
Isaac Newton Esqr Master
and Worker of our Mints