
King James the first, to signify that he would unite the two kingdoms of England & Scotland, stiled himself Magnæ Britanniæ Rex, & on the Reverse of his broad pieces & xxs pieces of gold, put this motto: Faciam cos in gentem unam. I will make them one nation. Ezek. 37. 22. In reference to this inscription & thereby to signify that her Majty hath finished a great & difficult work, an undert{{illeg}|a|}king of an hundred years standing, I propose the following Medal.

On the first side her Maties effigies with the inscription ANNA. D. G. MAGNÆ BRITANNIÆ. F. ET. H. REGINA. On the second Her Maty in royal apparel in the posture of Britannia sitting on a globe with a speare in her right hand & a shield standing by her, to represent both her self & her mystical body Brittania. The sheild to be charged with the new A{illeg}|r|ms of great Britain. In her left hand a Rose {o|&|} Thistle upon one stalk. The Rose towards her right hand. In the prospect below, two rivers (Tamesis & Boderia) unite into one common stream. Over her head two hands, to signify that this union is the work of heaven, come out of the clouds holding a single Crown to crown her. The motto is, FECI. EOS. IN. GENTEM. UNAM. And in the Exergue, I. MAII. MDCCVII.

In this designe the union is represented by the single crown in two hands, by the Rose & Thistle upon one stalk, by the new Arms of great B{{illeg}|rit|}ain upon the sheild, & by the two Rivers Thames & Forth uniting; for rivers were anciently the emblemes of Kingdomes. By the Motto the Vnion is referred to the Queen as the minister of heaven in this work. And altho this Motto may at first seem flat, yet being compared with that on the gold coynes of K. Iames I, & with the Prophesy of Ezekiel to wch it alludes, it will appear very significant, comprehensive, grave, lively, pious & majestick, & perhaps the most apposite of any that can be thought of. A poetical Motto is not so grave for such an occasion.

Two women hand in hand imply only a federal union, or only such an union as is represented by the Motto on the money of K. Charles I, Florent concordia regna. England & Scotland, after the union should be remembered no more, & therefore in the Medal they should be only glanced at & not made too conspicuous. However for variety, I have caused two draughts of women to be made, together with two other draughts on the next pages; but prefer that above. The draughts were made in hast, & when the designe in general is resolved upon, the Graver will be more exact.


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