Covering letter for his draft designs of George I Coronation Medals
To the Rt Honble the Lords of the Committee of Coucl {sic}
appointed to consider of his Majties Coronation.
May it please yor Lordps
I have according to yor Lordps Order of 1st of {illeg} prepared Drafts of Gold & Silver Medalls of the Kings Maty to be distributed on the day of his Mats Coronation & herewith present the same to yor Lordps. The form of his Majts face is taken from a Medal made in Germany, but medals made there by different Gravers are not like one another. The designe on the Reverse relates to his Majts accession to the t|T|hrone on account of Religion, \& represents him Defender of the faith conteined in the scriptures & |yt| the Bible is still open to/ /the people\ & according t{illeg}|o| {illeg}|t|he manner of the ancient mendalls of the Greeks & Romans, \it/ is grave proper simple & free from reflexions /& not entirely liable to be reflected upon.\
All wch is most humbly su{illeg}|b|mitted to yor Lordps great
To the Rt Honble the Lords of the Committee of Council appointed to consider of h{e}|i|s Matys Coronation
May it pl. yor Lordps
According {illeg}\In obedience to {sic}/ to yor Lordps {o}|O|rder I herewith lay before yor Lordps some more drafts of Gold Medals to be distributed on ye day of his Mats Coronation, & \that I should lay before yor Lordp an account of the Medall made upon her \late/ Mats Coronation & of the time requisite to make medalls upon the present occasion/ \I/ most humbly represent that {illeg}|V|pon the Coronation of her late Maty\these were then/ 1{illeg}|2|00 Medals of Silver & 200 of Gold were \then/ made by Order of Council & delivered to the Ld Bradford then Treasurer of ye Houshold & Coferer to be distributed & that 515 \gold medals/ were made afterwards for the \house of/ Commons by Order of the Ld|s| Treasurer Commissioners of the Treasury & for their Chapplain & Sargeant, & 38 for forreign {m}|M|inisters. The \them for the House of Commons then sitting, & for 3{illeg}|8| more for forreign/ /ministers.\ A pound weight of \fine/ Gold was cut into {illeg}|20| medals & a pound weight of \fine/ s|S|ilver into 22 medals. And the Medalls were After the form of the Medalls are\is/ setled it will take up a month to about a month to make the Puncheons & if e{ach}|ith||er| of the Punche{illeg}|o|ns should break it woul three or four days more to make the dyes & coyn the medals &|b||y| the mill & press. If they are\the impression is/ to rise high like that of the {th} late Me{illeg}|da|ls |made| upon the peace, it will {illeg} they must be coyned in a ring, & it will take a week more to coyn 1400 such medalls of this sort, every 200 Medalls requiring \about/ a day to coyn them in this manner, & the Medalls must be weightier that there may be substance to make the impression rise high A pound weight gol fine gold may be cut into 16 medalls & a pound weight of |fine| Silver into twenty. If either of the Puncheons should break {a fortnight} more much be allowed for repairing the loss. It will be requisite that my Ld Treasurer advance money for buying gold & silver.