Draft of MINT00764 (Mint 19/3/285)
May it please your Lordps.
I understand that ye money is to be coy{illeg}|e|d {illeg} according to the forms expressed int he annexed draughts. The inscriptions, the arms of Hannover, & the Crown above {illeg}t \that Escutcheon/ are drawn only in blanck lead that if any thing |b|is|e| amiss it may be wiped out & mended. And because they are dr{illeg} may be wiped out & changed, it will be convenient that they be expressed \in words at length/ in the {illeg}|w|arrant for coyning the money according to these f{illeg}\Draughts/ to wch Warrant these Draughts ;|(|if they be approved) are to {illeg}|b|e {illeg}|a|nnexed. If any other draughts these Draughts are to be mended or any other Draughts are to be laid before the King in Council it shall be speedily done.
All wch &c |In the Draughts for the small money the inscription {illeg}\about/ the head is proposed to be only Georgius Dei Gratis D\GEORGIVS. DE{illeg}. GRATIA/ Dei Gr{illeg}|a|tia {sic} & about the Reverse M{illeg}|A|G. BR. FR. ET. HIB. REX. &c.|
All wch &c |If in any of these draughts the work prove too much crowded it may be mended hereafter by a new Warrant.|
All wch &c.