Original royal warrant to James Girard, engraver of seals, to make a silver seal for the governor of the Bahamas, with specifications of the design and inscriptions
George R
Our Will and Pleasure is, that you forthwith prepare and make one seal of Silver for the use of our Bahama Islands in America; on the one side to be Engraven our Arms, Garter, Crown, Supporters and Motto with this Inscription round it, Georgius, Dei Grattâ, Magna Britanniæ, Franciæ et Hibernia Rex, Fidei Defensor, Brunsvici et Luneburgi Dux, Sacri Romani Imperij Archi-Thesaurius et Elector; and on the other side a Merchant ship sailing to the said Islands, and some Pyrate ships put to Flight, with this Motto at the Bottom, Expulsis Piratus, Restituta Commercia, and round it this Inscription, Sigillum Providentæ, exterarumque Bahamæ Insutarum;[1] And that in case the said Seal cannot be prepared so soon as there will be occasion to make use thereof, Our further Will and Pleasure is, that you make Impressions in Lead of that side only, on which are Our Arms and Titles, to be used by Our Governor of our said Bahama Islands, till the other can be made. And for so doing this shall be your Warrant. Given at our Court at St. Iames's the Twelfth Day of March 172, in the Ninth Year of our Reign.
[2]By His Majty's Command
Carter A.