Further holograph draft of MINT00786 (Mint 19/3/260)
To the Right Honble the Lords Commrs of his Majties Treasury.
May it please yor Lordps
For diminishing the expences occasioned by Sr Ereskines Mine \& making the greater dispatch of \in/ that busines/, I most humbly offer to yor Lordps consideration whether \it may not be advisable that/ Dr Iustus Brandshagen & the two Hamilton's who are done\sent/ down into Scotland|,| about this Mine may not be ordered to smelt the Ore which lyes buried {by} in Casks by Sr Iohn Ereskins house, so soon as they have made\dispatched/ their Report wch by the {illeg}|W|arrant of his Royal Highness they are \already/ {illeg}|o|rdered to make: provided they find the \silver/ produced \out/ of that Ore {illeg}|to| be more then sufficient to pay \all/ the expences o charges of smelting it. All three understand the smelting \of/ o|O|res & can instruct one another & therefore {illeg}|ma||y| all of {illeg} each of them wor{illeg}|k| apart in several furnaces for making the greater dispatch. If the Ore had not been worth the smelting it would not have been buried in Casks. |And while they are smelting this Ore their Report may be considered in relation to the Min{t}|e|, I make this propoal upon a presumption that the Ore is worth smelting because it was buried {illeg}|f|or that end in Casks for that reason \& that they can find a convenient place for settin{illeg}|g| up one or more furnaces/. As the Cakes of silver come from the Test, they may be marked All which with the Roman numbers I, II, III, IV, V, &c stampt on them with a Chissel; & \a list of/ {illeg}|t|he number & weight of each \every Cake may/ from time to time \be/ sent up to London \yor Lordps or your Order/ that the number weight & value of the Cakes \of silver/ extracted out of the Ore may be known to yor Lor ascertained & mak|d|e known to yor Lordps {illeg}|fo|r preventing imbezzeling|mts|. And when these Cakes are melted into Ingots large Ingots, the Ingots may be numbred & weighed in the same manner. And the number & weight of every Regulus or lump of coarse silver got out of a pott of Ore may be entred in book{illeg}|s||