Another clerical copy of MINT00802(a) (Mint 19/3/418r)
Whereas We have lately received his Maties express Conmand concerning the clering {sic} the Mint from all ꝑsons Vsing or Inhabiting any Lodgings or houses scituate or being between the two Mint Gates of the Mint within the Tower of London and not having relacon to the same for the better accommomodation of such Officers Workmen and others as shall hereafter be employed in Coyning of his Maties Monies by way of the Press or screw We doe therefore Order and hereby require the Officers of his Maties said Mint, Immediately upon the receipt hereof To give ꝑticuler notice to all ꝑsons now Inhabiting within the Mint as aforesaid and not belonging thereunto, of his Maties pleasure, that all such as at prsent hold any houses or Lodgings of any of the said Officers do remove themselves and Families out of their respective houses or Lodgings within twenty days after the date hereof, And that all other ꝑsons Lodging or inhabiting as aforesaid doe remove themselves and Families within Eight dayes at the furthest, whereunto all ꝑsons concerned herein are enjoyned to give due obedience, And it is likewise ordered that none of the Officers of his Maties Mint within the Tower of London, or any other ꝑson or ꝑsons belonging unto the same who have right to any houses or Lodgings therein shall for the future Lett or sett their respective houses or Lodgings unto any person or ꝑsons whatsoever without our perticuler Knowledge and Consents From Southampton house this present 18th day of February 1661.
T Southampton
To Sr. William Parkhurst
Knt Warden. Sr Ralph Freeman
Knt Mr and Worker Iames
Hoare Gent Comptroller and
the Rest of the Officers of his
Maties Mint within the Tower
of London