Confirmation of Tower residents' privileges
The Veredict of his Maties Iury for ye Royal Tower of London & ye Liberties thereof, sworn before ye {illeg}|Ho|n{illeg}|bl| Sr Tho Stringer Knt Steward of his Maties Court there Nov 26. in ye 29th year of ye Reign of or Soveraign Ld K. Charles ye 2d &c
Imprimis we present that it hath been used & accustomed time out of mind that every person resident & dwelling wthin the {illeg} Precinct & Liberties of the Tower of London at their first Entrance & dwelling within the said Tower Liberty ought to {illeg}|t|a{illeg}|k|e his oath & be sworn before his Maties Steward of his said Court to be at all times upon necessary occasions aiding & assisting to his {illeg}|M|aties High Constable & Lieuetenant of the Tower {illeg}|f|or the time being for the said Preservation of the said Tower & thereupon their names to be entred & registred by ye Steward of ye Tower aforesaid & afterwards they are to be deemed & accounted Freemen of the Tower & in respect thereof & of their service & attendance they {illeg}|a|re freed & exempted from all services at ye Assizes & Sessions within ye County of Middx & also exempted & freed from the payment of Titles for any of their houses & habitations within the said Precinct & Liberty of the Tower.