Holograph copy of a clause in the master's indenture guaranteeing freedom of entry and exit
And Our Soveraign Lady the Queen doth will and straitly charge by this Indenture all the Officers of the Tower aforesaid, That the Officers aforesaid |[|vizt the Warden Master Comptroller & Assaymaster|]| & all other Officers of the Mint & their servants & also all manner of persons bringing gold & silver to the Tower, shall have free ingress & egress & issue by the Gates & through the same tower & franchises thereof inward & outward at all times without any arresting disturbance letting or gainsaying of the chief Governour Constable or Lieutenant or the Porter or any other Officer or person whatsoever it be & without any thing given to them or to any of them other to for any manner of debt matter or cause whatsoever it be & without any thing given to them or to any other to have such entry or issue.