Temple Stanyon (for the Privy Council) to the Treasury, referring MINT00878 (Mint 19/1/490) to their consideration
At the Council-Chamber. White-hall the
15th: Day of Octobr: 1724.
The Lords of His Majts: Most Honble: Privy-Council
Vpon Reading this Day of ye {B}oard two Petitions of Iohn Rotherham of Barnett in Hertford-Shire Gent. setting forth, his havign by his long Experience in Mettals Invented an effectuall Method to prvent ye Counterfeiting ye Current Coin of the Kingdom. And is ready to produce a Sufficient Fund to support the Charge thereof, with\out/ affecting either Land or Trade; And humbly Praying the same may be Examined into, and yt he may have some Reard; On Condition he makes full proof thereof. — It is Ordered in Councill, yt the said Two Petitions (Coppyes where of hereunto annexed) Be, and they are humbly Referr'd to ye Right Honble: the Lds: Commisrs. of his Majesty's Treasury to Examin the same; and Report to his Majty: at this Board what they conceive fitt to be done therein
Temple Stanyan
This is a True Coppy of the Lds: of his Majts: most Honble. privy Council, to ye Rt. Honble. ye Lds. Comsrs. of His Mats. Treasury delivered to Mr. Iohn Rotherham the 17th. of Ianry: 1721 by Mr. Sharpe Clarke of ye Council.