Holograph notes on taxes payable by the University, Town and County of Cambridge
For ye Vniversity and Town of Cambridge the summ of Two thousand one hundred thirty four pounds Twelve shillings and three pence three farthings. Anno 10 & 11 Guliuel. |III| Regis. at 3s pr ℔ in money & p{illeg}|r|opo{illeg}|r|tional tax on land. Item anno 9 et 10 Gul. Regis
County of Cambridge
Town of Cambridge year on real estates 2238l. 2s. 0d year on personal estates 341li. 15s. 1d total 2579. 17. 1 Vniversity year real 22|6|6li. 6s. 0d. {illeg} at 4s pr ℔. anno 5to Guil & Mar.