Holograph notes on assaying and refining and the procedure to be followed in assessing trial pieces
That money being ye measure of commerce \& trade/ it is of the greatest consequence to have it coined of a just value.
That this solemn\publick/ trial therefore of ye moneys coined from time to time has \therefore/ been instituted with great solemnity.
That for the same end a great penalty has been instituted upon coining the moneys ill.
|And dluterating {illeg}|or| lightning the moneys i{illeg}|s| made punishable with death|
That th{a}|e| just value of the moneys depends upon the just quantity of fine gold & fine silver in the single piece, and this quantity is measured by the weight & assay fine{illeg}|n|ess The w together, there being {illeg} 11 ounces of fine gold & an ounce of allay in fine gold & 44 Guineas & 11oz 2dwt of fine silver & 18dwt of allay in {illeg}|6|2 shilling{s}
That in {examining}\trying/ the money in weight & fineness\in wt & fineness/ the Iury is to observe the rules set down in the Indenture of the Mint, & to make use of the standards kept in her Mats Excheqr.
That because it is impossible to coin the moneys wthout {erro} some small accidental errors, the {sic} is a limit put to these errors wch limit is called the masters remedy & this remedy is the sixt part of a carat in a pound wt of gold & {illeg}|t|wo penny wt in a pound wt of silver \And the Iury are to see that these errors/ whether it be in weight alone or in fineness alone or in both together do not exceed the remedies.
That the Remedy is not an allowance of erring for any mans profit, but a limitation{illeg} of casual errors.
That {illeg}|the|