Holograph notes on experimental verification of the cubic content of a gallon pot, on the back of an envelope addressed to Newton
The wine Gallon is recconed by ye Kings Surveyors to contein 231 \cubic inches/ The King allowing seven inches for wast of sedimt &c.
By Exp{illeg}|t| wth wheat grains unshaken it is 225 but wth a shake or by standing a while it shrinks to 224 inches
Wine Gallon of Copper in Yield Hall conte{a}|i|ns 224 cubic inches. {Its} It is 4 inches square & 14 deep.
31 Edw I anno 1302
51 Hen III to ye same purpose
An 8 & 9 of K. Wililam The Mault Act.
12 Hen. VII
Isaak Newton Esq{r} at his house in German street