Memorandum on moneyers' charges for various operations before and during Newton's mastership
The Provost And Monyers
For the Coyning or stamping Only of the Pattentees for Coyning 700 Tons In King William & Queen Marys Reign, Seaven farthings ꝑ Pound weight. out of Which they Allowed 40s. ꝑ Ton And Forged the Dyes.
By Agreemt. with Sr. Isaac Newton Anno. 1717. Two Pence ꝑ Pound.
For Cutting into Blanks, Flatting them And Coyning. And bearing Waste &c
{illeg}|A| Second Agreemt.
For Nealing, Blanching & Barreling the Blanks, And bearing the Waste.
three farthings ꝑ pound Weight
In all 2d
May ye 30. 1727.