Clarification of an earlier verbal account of the cost of producing copper plate, stressing that the cost of producing coin is almost twice as high
Decembr. ye. 27th. 1727
Since I had the Honr. To write on you Last have been in doubt. Whether I explained my self so fully as I ought.
I told you that the Trade of Copper Smiths gave ye Millers 3d. ꝑ pound to reduce their {Shruffe} into Plates Without observing to you that those plates in our Way when cutt into bl{i}|a|nks for half pence or farthings Will make but about half, Which will make the charge thereon, Near 6d. ꝑ pound if not full. I am with great Respect
Your Most obedt. Servt
I. Kemp
Mr. Conduit.