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William Chaloner's Letter to Isaac Newton Esqr.

most mercifull Sr.

I am going to be murtherd allthough ꝑhaps you may think not but tis true I shall be murdered the worse of all murders that is in the face of Iustice and unless I am rescued by yor mercifull hands

|Sr.| pray considr. my unprecedented Tryall 1 That no person swore they ever saw me actually coyn but yt I should own it 2ly that Holloway, Abbott Coffee Hitchcock Peck and hanwell what they swore were facts done in the City + Surrey which is directly agt. Law to be taken before a Iury in Middx yet their evidence was given in charge agt me to the Iury I do not arraign none for the same nor the Court but such a thing tho agt. Law has been done agt me and I like to loose my life thereby 3ly that all the evidence (except that ꝑjurd Carters wife) swore agt me to 8 years ago yet the Indictmt. sets forth only the 24th of augt. last now that was not proved nor could be for I was \yn/ out of Towne not coyning in her house as she falsly swore 4ly That all the Evidence agt. me was perfect mallice I haveing convicted some and others given evidence agt them 5ly That there is no precedt. of a person being convicted of Coyning without some Circumstances to corroborate the evidences testimony nor indeed can a man be convicted of any other Crime whatever without some Circumstances to prove the fact besides the evidence bare swearing of it Some body must have lost something to prove the Thiefe some person robbd to prove the highway man besides Evidence only High Treason agt. the King must have But poor I am Convicted by malitious evidence without any Circumstances at all 6ly It was hard for me to be taken out of my 5 weeks sick Bedd the last 3 weeks light headed so yt I was not provided for a tryall nor in my sences wn tryd <103r> 7ly wt Mrs Carter swore agt. may appear direct mallice I having 3 yeares before Convicted her husband of Forgery and discoverd where he and she were coyning for wch he is now in Newgate But I desire God Allmighty may Damne my soul to eternity if every word was not false that Mrs Carter and her maid swore agt. me abot coyning and Mault Tickets for I never had any thing to do with her in coyning nor ever intended to be conerned {sic} in Mault Tickts nor ever spoke to her abot. any such thing Mrs. Holloway swore false agt. me or I desire never to see the Great God and I desire the same if abbot did not swear false agt. me so yt I am murderd + God allmighty knows I am murderd Therefore I humbly begg yor worp will considr these Reasons and yt I am convicted without Precedt. and be pleased to speak to Mr Chancellr. to save me from being murtherd O Dear Sr do this mercifull deed O my offending you has brought this upon me O for God's sake if not mine keep me from being murderd O dear Sr. no body can save me but you. O God my God I shall be murderd unless you save me O I hope God will move yor heart with mercy and pitty to do this thing for me I am

Yor near murderd humble servt.

W. Chaloner

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