Letter concerning the allowances made to the Warden and Master of the Mint, requesting additional funds
May it please yor Lordships
The Salary of the Warden of his Maties Mint is only 400℔ per an with a house of 40℔ per an & his perquisites are only 3℔ 12s per an for fee {sic} coales: all which, Taxes being deducted, is so small in respect of the Salaries & Perquisites of the other Officers of the Mint as suffices not to support the authority of his Office.
For the Salary of the Master & Worker is 500℔ per an wth a house & very great perquisites & the salaries of the other Officers are proportional, besides their late additional Salaries & allowance of Assistants. For their Salaries upon occasion of the present coynage are at least doubled; & those of their Clerks are encreased almost in the same proportion.
And the Warden is now at much greater expenses & pains then formerly in going constantly to the Mint, overseeing & setting forward the coynage & pixing the money for wch he has need of a Deputy.
Wherefore I most humbly pray yor Lordships to take into yor consideration & to give such Orders for the support of the Wardens Office as yor Lordships shall think fit
Yor Lops most humble
& most obedient Servant
Isaac Newton
<163v>For the Rt Honble the Lords Commissioners of his Maties Treasury
{By}|Re|ad 16 Iun 96
My Lords at the end of this Coynage will {move} the {illeg} to give him an Consideration extry suitable to his trouble + proporconable to the Increase allowd to the other officers for this extra Coynage. {F}|B|ut this to be done out of ye Coynage mo.