Letter concerning various possessions seized from counterfeiters in Norfolk
Mÿ Lords
Hauing lately receiued Information of some forfeitures that belonged to Clippers & Coiners, and now in the posession {sic} of diuers persons. t|T|o wit.
In the hands of Simon Rolfe of Lyn-Regis Esqr.
A Considerable quantitÿ of Clippings Clipt & Counterfeit mony Melted Siluer, Tools & materials & other personal Estate taken upon Edwa. Pamphilion (conuicted) & other \clippers & Coyners/ trÿed at the last Assizes for the County of Norfolk.
In the hands of I{illeg}|p|s{illeg}s|eph| Host Esqr. Iustice of peace in ye sd. County
A Considerable quantity of Clippings, Clipt & Counterfeit & Good monÿ Melted Siluer, Tools & Materials {+r}. taken upon persons tryed at the Said Assize. {sic} |for Clipping & Coyn{illeg}|i|ng.|
In the hands of the sheriffe or Vnder-sheriff of Yorkshire a personal Estate by him Seized that belonged to Clippers & Coiners Conuicted & tryed at the Assize there, |(|reported to be|)| of Considerable vallue.
It is humbly d{illeg}|e|sired that ÿour Lordsps will be pleased to grant your Warrants for the sd. Rolfe, Host, & Sheriffe to deliver & paÿ over the things aboue Mentioned unto me or mÿ deputÿ pursuant to his Mats. Leters {sic} of Privy-Seal, As I obserue ÿour Lordsps haue done upon the like occasion in the time of my Predecessor, perticulerly the 2d of Iuly last & former times when any disputes haue bin, as there now is, in this Case, with Sherriffs & others Clayming Right thereunto. whome to sue for the Same would prou{e} very Chargeable, As apears in a Process that hath Comenced 4 years \{illeg}|s|ince/ And still is depending against Two of the London Sherriffs.
All which is humbly submitted to your Lordspps By
My Lords
ÿour Lordsps most humble
& most obedient Servt
Isaac Newton
<270v>{le Chiefe Baron}
prntmt abt. Clippings
Wts accerdingly
To the Right Honble. the Lords Comissrs. of his Mats. Treary