Letter concerning the petitions of Peter Floyer and Charles Shales
To the Right Honble the Lords Comrs of his Maties Treasury.
May it please yor Lordps
In obedience to yor Lordps commands we have considered the Proposals of Mr Peter Floyer & Mr Charles Shales for receiving the hammered money & delivering the full weight thereof in standard silver into the Mints deducting only for a recompence eight grains out of every ounce Troy, wch is 12d farthing in every pound weight. And we most humbly lay before yor Lordps that in our opinion the charges of performing that service may amount to upon the pound weight
All wch is most humbly submitted to yor.
Lordps great wisdome
Is. Newton
Tho. Hall
<232v>Read 26 Feb 96.
To be shewed to Mr Floyr & Mr Shales the Petrs.
Report {of the} Mint