"A Memorial of the Warden of the Mint about his Expences in prosecuting Coyners"
To the Rt Honble the Lords Commrs of his Majts Treasury.
May it please yor Lordpps
The prosecution of Coyners during the three last years having put me to various small expenses in coach-hire & at Taverns & Prisons & other places of all wch it is not possible for me to make accompt on oath, yor Lordps were pleased to give me hopes of an allowance for the same wch I humbly pray may be an hundred & twenty pounds and that yor Lordps will please to direct an Order to the Auditor Mr Bridges for allowing the same in my Accompts. All wch is most humbly submitted to yor Lordps great wisdome
Is. Newton
[1] <202v>A Memorial of ye Warden of the Mint about his Expences in prosecuting Coyners.
To be allowed in his accot of {mo} by him {recd} for prosecution of Clippers + Coyners.