
To the Rt Honble Sidney Lord Godolphin Lord High Treasurer of England.

May it please yor Lordp

I lately laid before yor Lordp an Accompt of the charge of Medals of Gold & Silver for her Majts. Coronation amounting to 2485li. 18s. 3d12: towards the discharge of wch I have in my hands 1886li. 6s. 3d12 being the remainder of the Ballance of Mr Neales Accompt. Which money was given by Act of Parliament to defray the expence & charges of his \late/ Majts several Mints & to clear the monies due to the several Importers there. Out of this remainder there have been paid several summs on Accompt of the Country Mints as in the Bill annexed, & other summs are still to be paid on ye same Account all wch being exceed the said Remainder &, if yor Lordp think fit, being placed on the Coynage Duty, {illeg}|t|he said Remainder of 1886li. 6s. 3d12 will r|b|emain|come| clear, excepting such further summs as yor Lordp shall think fit to allow out of the same for rebuilding the Press house & paying to Mr Weddell a salary of 60li ꝑ a{illeg}|n|num to wch the Coynage duty is not applicable. Wherefore I humbly pray yor Lordps Warrant to the Auditors of the Imprests for allowing out of the said Remainder such summ as yor Lordp shall think fit towards the discharge of the Accompt above mentioned & that the residue of this Accompt may be paid to me out of such other fund as yor Lordp in yor great wisdom shall think meet.

All wch &c


Isaac Newton.


Memll. of Mr. Newton about the Country Mints
Speak to ye audrs when they come.

[1] Mint Office
15th Apr. 1702.

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