Request for reimbursement from Civil List for medals for her Majesty's coronation
To the Rt Honble Sidney Ld Godolphin Lord High Treasurer of England.
May it please yor Lordp
There is due to me for Medals for he{r} Majties Coronation the summ of 2485li. 18s. 3d and for the paymt of this debt I humbly conceive the Civil List to be the proper fund. I am now to make up my Accompts for the year ending this Christmas and that I may be able to ballance this part of my Accompts I humbly {pray} yor Lordp that the money above mentioned may be imprest to me before the year expire.
All wch is most humbly submitted to
yor Lordps great wisdome
Is. Newton
<100v>To be pd out of Civil List mo. since 8 March
Sr Isaac Newton