Letter concerning Vigo silver in the Mint
To the Rt Honble the Lord High Treasurer of England.
May it please yor Lordp
Vpon advising wth other Oficers of the Mint about the Spanish silver brought thither by the Commrs for Prizes, we are humbly of opinion that it is for her Majts [1] service that all the Virgin Silver, Cakes & broken pieces of silver & so much of the Plate as in the judgment of the Commrs for Prizes is not valuable for its fashion or as your Lordp shall appoint, be melted into Ingots in the presence of one or more of the Commrs for Prizes & then weighed & assayed. For otherwise the just value for disposing of it without loss or coyning it in any Country or reducing it to any sort of standard can scarce be ascertained.
All which is most humbly submitted
to yor Lordps great wisdome