Letter concerning funds in the Mint and payment of a sum to Ann Morris for her husband's services
Mint Office 18th March 170
In answer to yours of Mar. 16th, I humbly desire you to acquaint my Lord High Treasurer yt I have in my hands some money imprest formerly to Mr Neale, out of {illeg}|o|ther Funds then the Coynage Duty, out of wch I pay a salary of sixty pounds per an to Mr Robt Weddell by Warrant for his services in prosecuting Clippers & Coyners, and I am humbly of opinion that out of this money the summe of forty pounds may be paid to Mrs Ann Morris in satisfaction of her husbands like services. I am
Yor most humble Servant
Is. Newton.
<25v>For the Honble William Lowndes Es