Letter requesting directions for the tin held in the Mint
Ian 6. 170
May it please yor Lordp
The Warden & Comptroller of the Mint having sometimes exprest a desire that the charge of her Majts Tinn should be in the board of the Mint, with a common Treasurer or Receiver under them, & the Assaymaster having very much desired some imployment about the Tinn & being of the board for things below stairs: I humbly beg leave to lay their desires before yor Lordp, & to signify that when yor Lordp shall resume the consideration of lodging the Tinn in the {illeg}|Tower| I am ready to serve her Majty in such a manner as yor Lordp in yor great wisdome shall think fit. I am with all submission
My Lord
Yor Lordps most humble
and most obedient servant
Is. Newton.
<18v>Mr Newton
25 Iany 1703
My Lord doth intend that ye Tin shall be receiv'd + disposed by ye Officers of ye Mint.