"Report of the Officers of the Mint about the tryall of the Pixes"
To the most Honble the Ld High Treasurer of great Britain.
May it please yor Lordp
In obedience to yor Lordps Order signified to us by Mr Taylour's Letter of ye 28th instant, concerning the manner time & place of trying the Pix of her Majties Mint at Edinburgh & whether the Pix of the Mint in the Tower should be tried at the same time: We humbly represent that in our opinion it is convenient that the Pixes of both Mints be tried together at Westminster in one of her Majties houses after the usual manner speci{illeg}|f|ied in the Indenture of her Majties Mints at such a time as shall be appointed by her Majty in Council, so that the Officers of the Mint at Edinburgh may have timely notice to send or bring up their Pix to London. The most convenient time is w{illeg}|h|en days are long, suppose in May or Iune, that the whole trial may be dispatched in one day for avoiding of unnecessary charge & trouble. And because the trial ought to be in one of her Majesties houses, we humbly conceive that a new furnace should be erected in one of them where it may be \safely/ performed, th{illeg}|e| expence thereof being inconsiderable.
All which is most humbly submitted to yor
Lordps great wisdome
[1]C: Peyton
Is. Newton
In Ellis
<104v>Report of the Officers of the Mint about the tryall of the Pixes.
read 31 Ianry 1709.
My Lord will speak to my Ld chancr to appt the day in Iune or Iuly.
6 May 1710
My Lord speak to my Lord Chancr to appoint some day in the begining of August.