"Officers of the Mint presentment about the persons employed in the Management of the Tin Affaire in London."
To the Right Honorable the Lords Commissioner/s\
of her Majestys Treasury.
May it please your Lordships
Your Lordships having been pleased to appoint the Warden, Master and Worker, and Comptroller of her Majes Mint for the Management of the Tin Affaire in London, and having directed them in their Constitution to sell and dispose of the Tin, that shall be consigned to them, according to their best discretion at such price or prices and pursuant to such Orders and directions as they shall from time to time receive from your Lordships, We humbly desire your Lordships Warrant as to the price, which in the former Contract was sett at £3. 16. –. per hundred merchant weight, and upon which the new one was calculated.
Being likewise Authorised and required by your Lordships to Imploy such porters, Carmen, or other to receive the said Tin from on shipboard, and to carry the same into the Mint, and to deliver out the same when sold at such Salarys, Wages or Allowances as we shall thinck reasonable to be approved from time to time by your Lordships, and to be satisfied out of such Money and in such Manner as your Lordships shall direct, We humbly represent to your Lordships that in the former Contract we were impowered by a subsequent Warrant to issue our Orders from time to time to the Treasurer or Receiver of the Monies arising by the sale of her Majes. Tin, to pay out of the proceed thereof both the charges of freight, and all other incident charges proper for her Majesty to bear on account of the bringing in of the said Tin, or the selling or delivering out of the same, or otherwise howsoever.
All which is most humbly submitted to your Lordships great
Is. Newton
In Ellis
[1] <39v>Officers of the Mint presentment about the persons employed in the Management of the Tin Affaire in London.
to be read 15th Novr. 1710