"Officers of the Mint account of plate brought in"
May it please your Lordps
In obedience to your Lordps Order signified to us by Mr Lowndes that {y}|w|e should prepare an account of what Quantity of Plate has been brought in upon the Re{illeg}|solut|ions of the house of Commons & the value thereof & lay the same before your Lordps this morning: We humbly represent that {illeg}|o|n friday when we began to receive & on saturday there was brought in 71584oz 10dwt of old Plate & 35767oz of new. The first at 5s 5d per ounce comes to 19387li. 9s. 4d The second at 5s {0}|8|d per ounce comes to 10133li. 19s. 8d. And both together come to {illeg}|t|wenty nine thousand five hundred twenty one pounds nine shilings. And there lies about two or thre {sic} thousand pound{illeg}|s| worth of Plate at the Mint to be weighed this morning. We are
My Lords
Yor Lordps most humble
& most obedient Servants
C. Peyton
Is. Newton
In Ellis
<245v>To the Rt Honble the Lords Commrs of her Maties Treasury.
14 May 1711