
To the Most Honble: the Earle of Oxford
and Earle Mortimer Lord High Treasurer of Great Britain

May it please yor: Lordp.

In obedience to your Lordships direction to lay a State before your Lop. of the several parcells of Tin that are now under Mortgage, the persons to whome, the places where, for what Terms, and upon what Conditions, wth the Charge of keeping the said Tin: We humbly represent to your Lordp. that upon a Loan of 100000li. made Iuly the 1st. 1710; 1600 Tunns of Tin were mortgaged to Mr. Moses Berenger and sent into Holland at her Maties. Charge, That upon a Loan of 10000li. 1st. Iuly 1710. 160 Tunns of Tinn were mortgaged to Sr. Theodore Ianssen and remain still in ye Mint under the key of the Storekeeper, That upon a Loan first of 40000li. 1st. of September 1710. and then of 20000li. more 4th. October. following, 960 Tuns of Tinn Were Mortgaged to Sr. Iohn Lambert, Mr. Edward Gibbon, and Mr. Francis Stratford and sent to Hamburgh at her Maties. Charge.

That these several summs were Lent at ye Interest of 6 per cent & that ye Charges of Warehouse room Commission or reward in Holland and at Hamburgh are paid out of this Interest without any further Charge to her Maty.

That Mr. Berenger is to be paid 30000li'. at Christmas next 30000L. more at Lady day next and 40000li. more at Midsummer next. Sr Theodore Ianssen is to be paid his 10000li. at Christmas next, and Sr. Iohn Lambert and partners 40000li. at Christmas 1712. and 20000li. at Christmas 1713. and upon these payments the said parties are to return to her Majesty the said Tin mortgaged in proportion to the sum̄es paid to them, yt is for every 10000li. the quantity of 160 Tunns of Tinn, and in default of payment the said several partyes are allowed to sell and dispose of her Majties Tinn at the best Market price that can be gotten in such proportions as shall be sufficient to make good the repayment of the Principall and Interest, they ye sd. severall parties being answerable to her Majty. for the overplus; But we do not find that they have yet begun to sell any of the sd. Tinn.

All which is most humbly submitted

to yor. Lordships great Wisdom


Cra: Peyton

Is. Newton


Offrs: {of the} Mint state of the Tin mortgage

[1] Mint Office the 20th Augst

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