
To the Right Honorable
Robert Earle of Oxford Lord High Thesaurer of Great Brittain

The Petition of Iames Clerk and Ioseph Cave Conjunct Engravers of her Majesties Mint in Scotland

Humbly Sheweth

That your Petitioners att the time of the Recoynag{e} in Scotland did by order of the Master Worker make One shilling Head and Reverse one six Pence Head & Reverse and by Virtue of a Warrand from her Majestie directed to the Generall of the said Mint they have since made Puncheons and Letters for small Coyne Viz Fouer {sic} Pence Three Pence Two Pence and One Penny having onely a sallary of Fiftie Pounds a year as sinkers and no Allowance as Gravers

That they have Received no Payment for their Extraordinary trouble during the great Coynage as hath been Allowed to the Other Officers.

That there is owing to them on the above Accounts and for Mr. Caves Charges in attendance as ꝑ schedule Am̄exed the sum of Two Hundered an Ten Pounds.

Wherefor they Humbly pray Yor. Lordship to give such Directions for Payment thereof as Yor. Lordship in Yor. great wisdom and Goodness shall think fitt and Yor. Petitioners shall ever Prays &ct:


Petition of Ia: Clerk and Ios: Cave

{sic} Iany 1711

Ref to ye Officrs of ye Mint to make their Rept wth all convenient speed

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