"Report of the Officers of the Mint upon the Memorial of Mr Anstis for raising the price of the tin in Cornwall"
To the most Honble the Earle of Oxford & Earle Mortimer Lord High Treasurer of great Britain.
May it please yor Lordp
In obedience to yor Lordps Order of Reference of 26th of last Febr. upon the Memorial of Mr Anstis for raising the price of the Tynn in Cornwal from 3li. 13s to 3li. 14s. 6d per C merchants weight: We have considered the same & are humbly of opinion that the price be raised to 3li 15s, so that for the future it may be sold in C{illeg}|o|rnwall but one shilling per C cheaper then in London; the difference of the freight from London & from Cornwall to places abroad being but small.
All wch is most humbly submitted to yor Lordps
great wisdome
C: Peyton
Is. Newton
E Phelipps
<111v>The Report of ye Officers o{illeg}|f| the Mint upon the Memorial of Mr Anstis for raising the price of the Tynn in Cornwall.
11 Mar 17