
To the Rt: Honoble: the Lords Commrs. of His Majestie's Treasury.

The Humble Peticon of Mr. Richd: Barrow.


That your Petitr. was about 3 years since deputed by Craven Peyton Esqr. late Warden of his Majestie's Mint to prosecute all Coyners and Vtterers of False Money; And that he delivered into the Treary a Bill of Charges for such services for one Year & three Quarters ending at Michas last was 12 Months.

That the said Bill was referred by the Lord Treasurer Oxford to the Principall Officers of the Mint, Who have Reported in May last upon a full Examination 387£. 14s. 7d to be thereupon due to Your Petitioner.

That a sum̄ not exceeding 400£. per Ann out of the Coynage duty is made applicable by Parliament to discharge such prosecutions.

That one Sarah Harris to to be tryed this {Surry} Assizes on an Indictment for Vttering 18 Guineas which are nick't on the edges, & want in weight 15. or 16{d}.

That Your Petitr. having receiv'd no Authority from the present Warden to look after the prosecutions (he being not come to Town from his Election) can't Act without Your Lordsp's directions.

Your Petitr. therefore humbly Prays Your

Lordshp's Warrant for the payment of the sum

of 387£.. 14s.. 7d Reported due to him; And such

further Directions as to Your Lordsp's shall

seem most fitt.

and Your Petitr. shall ever Pray, &c

[1] <203v>

Petiīon of Mr. Barrow

Ref to ye Officrs of ye Mint


[1] 8 March 1714

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