Memorial concerning tin coined in the summer of 1716
To the Right Honble: The Lords Comissioners of His Majties. Treasury
May it Please your Lordships
The Tin Contract being determined the 1st. of Iune last, We are informed that the Tin Coyned last Midsummer exceeds 500 Tuns.
A small quantity of it being already brought to Town has been sold at 3li. 10s. per hundred to the Russia Merchants, some other quantitys are to be shipped off in Cornwall for Holland and the Streights at a Cheaper rate, and when two Ships more loaden with Tin arrive at London to be sold We are credibly informed it will be offered at 3li. 5s.
As there is a prospect that a pretty good quantity will be transported both to Turkey and Italy before the winter comes on, We have thought it our duty humbly to represent to yor. Lordships that unless there be a discretionary power appointed to sell what remains in our hands at the market price, and to make such Contracts both with the Merchants and Pewterers as {illeg} shall \be/ Iudge|d| to be most advantageous, the great stock in our hands is like to remaine unsold.
Which is humbly submitted to your
Lordships great Wisdom
Rich Sandford
Is. Newton
<63v>Memll of Sr Richd Sanford & Sr Isa{illeg}|a|c Newton.
31st Iuly 1717
To be further considerd