Memorandum on the Edinburgh Mint
To the Rt Honble the Lords Commrs of his Majties Treasury.
May it please yor Lordps
In obedience to yor. Lordps order of Reference of 11 October {clippt} uponn the Memorial of the Rt Honble the Earle of Lauderdale General of his Mats Mint in Scotland I humbly represent that his Lordp by the last renewal of the coinage Act, hath been Treasurer of the said Mint ever since the first of March 1714, & hath received out of the Coinage Duty by an Order of the Treasury dated 6 Aug 1717 the summ of 1200li, & by another Order of the Treasury dated 13 Feb. 171 the summ of 2115li, & by another Order dated 20 Iune 1720 the summ of 2100li: in all the summ of 5415li. By his Mats Warrant dated 17 Novem. 1718 he was to pay the slaries & other charges of that Mint commencing at Christmas 1714. The salaries are annually as follows: vizt to the General 300li: in all 930li. The charges of Coinage & keeping the coining Tools in repair are paid by the pound weight of the moneys coind, & there has been no coinage. The charges of keeping the Offices in repair & the dwelling houses wind & watertyte may amount to about 80 or 100li per an. And this charge added to the salaries makes the annual charge of that Mint about 1020. At wch rate the charges of that Mint from Christmas 1714 to Michaelmas 1721 will amount unto about 6885li, whereof 5415li is already imprest. I do not find that the moneys already imprest to his Lordp or any part thereof are yet accounted for: but I hear that his Lordp is ready to make up the account.
All which is most humbly submitted to yor Lordps great wisdome.
Mint Officer. Octob, 20.
Is. Newton.