Memorial of John Montgomerie, with Treasury referral
To the Rigt Honod the Lords Commissioners of his Majesties Treasury
Whereas upon the renewall of the Carriage Act, the Master of the Mint In North Brittain, Is Intitled to receive the Coinage moneys which Is to be Imprest for the use and Service of that Mint
I humbly move your Lordships to direct that the Sum of two thousand one hundred pounds may be Imprest to me upon Accot of the Salaries of the officers, and Expences of the said Mint due from Lady day 1721
Which Is most humbly Submitted
to your Lordships
I Montgomerie
Whitehall Treasury Chambers 12 Sept 1723
The Right Honoble: the Lords Commrs: of his Mas: Treasury are pleased to referr this Memorial to Sr: Isaac Newton Knt: Master and Worker of his Mats: Mint who is to consider the same and Report to their Lordp's his Opinion what is fit to be done therein Which in the absence of the Secretarys is signifyed by their Lordp's Command from
Chris Tilson
[1] <98v>The Memoriall of Iohn Montgomery Esqr Master and Worker of the Mint In Scotland
[1] Mr. Montgomerie referred to Sr: Isaac Newton