Copy of note about coining farthings
My Lord Trearer being much Importuned about the Business of Coyning Farthings is desirous of hearing that matter and the pretences of the severall Peticoners that have been Referr'd to You for Liberty to Coyne the same His Lordp therefore, if Fryday next in the forenoone be \time/ sufficient for the severall Peticoners to Attend, is pleased to Direct you to give them notice and also to attend Your selves at that time Accordingly, in case it be not sufficient be pleased to let me know & his Lordp will appoint such other time as you shall think fit for doing thereof. You'l please to bring all Papers with You which may concerne this hearing particularly the Votes which have been made by the house of Commons about Farthings or the Coynage of them. In the meane time (as My Lord is informed) Farthings are wanted & would be of use & service at Port Mahon & Gibralter. His Lordp directs You to consider thereof and let him know at your Attendance Your Opinion how and in what manner the same may best be supplyed I am &c. 2d May. 1713.
T: Harley